WebHelp issues in RoboHelp versions 10 and 11


Adobe has identified the following WebHelp issues in RoboHelp versions 10 and 11.



When Mark of the Web is turned on in WebHelp, the WebHelp TOC and Merged Help are blank in Internet Explorer 11.

10, 11

WebHelp Index pop-up windows do not appear in Internet Explorer 11.


A WebHelp TOC doesn't appear, and search doesn't work in Google Chrome browser on MAC OS when viewed locally.

10, 11

The WebHelp output keeps flickering or refreshing when opened in a Chrome browser (cannot be viewed on a Google Chrome browser).


Topic titles containing a single quotation mark or apostrophe are preceded with an escape character in the index pop-up menu. For example: Customer's displays as Customer\'s in the index pop-up window.

10, 11


  1. Download and extract the contents of the relevant archive.


  2. Copy the contents from the relevant archive to the following folder:


  3. Restart RoboHelp, and then regenerate the WebHelp.

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