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Publish projects as executable files


Since Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash Player after December 31, 2020 and Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems. 

For more information, see Flash Player End of Life announcement.

You can create stand-alone, executable files of your Adobe Captivate Classic projects. This publishing option enables you to create a Windows executable file (EXE) or MAC executable file (APP).

  1. Select File > Publish.

    Publish to My Computer dialog appears. 

  2. In the Publish To My Computer dialog, choose Publish as > Executable. 

    Publishing project as an executable file
    Publishing project as an executable file

  3. Configure the following options:

    Publish Type

    Choose the Publish Type as Windows Executable (*.exe). For Mac, choose MAC Executable (*.app)

    Project Title

    Enter a name for the executable file without adding the extension (.exe/.app).


    Enter the full path to the folder in which to save the file, or click Browse to locate the folder.


    You can customize the icon that is displayed for the executable file. Click Browse (...) to add a custom icon for your file. Ensure that the icon file has a .ico extension (on Windows)/.icns (for Mac).

    (Applies only for Windows) You can create a custom icon file using any software meant for that purpose. Ensure that the file you create contains seven images of the following dimensions:

    • 256x256 32-bit color image

    • 48x48 32-bit color image

    • 48x48 8-bit color image

    • 32x32 32-bit color image

    • 32x32 8-bit color image

    • 16x16 32-bit color image

    • 16x16 8-bit color image


  4. (Applies only to EXE) Select from the following output options:

    Zip Files

    Creates a ZIP file containing the EXE file.

    Full Screen

    Runs the executable file in full screen mode.


    If you select AICC or SCORM options for the project, you can’t apply the full screen publishing option.

    Generate Autorun For CD

    An autorun.inf file is generated in the publish directory. The file starts playing as soon as the CD is inserted into the computer.

    More Click more to view more options as the resolution of your project, number of slides, number of audio slides, and audio settings. Click Custom to configure audio settings for your project. For more information on how to set audio settings, click here

    Force re-publish on all slides

    Clicking this option forces Captivate Classic to re-compile and re-publish all the slides again whether there are changes in each slide or not. Captivate Classic might take longer time to publish the output if Force re-publish on all slides option is selected. 

    Scalable HTML content

    Enabling this option before pubishing makes your content in the output resize itself to fit the user's browser resolution. 

    Seamless Tabbing (IE only)

    Click this option to enable seamless tabbing in IE. 

    By default, seamless tabbing feature is disabled, which means if you use tabbing in the output, it stays within the output frame.

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