How to uninstall Adobe Captivate Classic

It is relatively simple to uninstall Adobe Captivate Classic. When you uninstall Adobe Captivate Classic, all of the files you have saved in your My Documents\My Adobe Captivate Classic Projects folder are retained.

To uninstall Adobe Captivate Classic on Windows:

  1. Click Start > Control Panel.

  2. Double-click Add Or Remove Programs.

  3. Click the Install/Uninstall tab (if your version of Windows contains this tab).

  4. From the list of programs you can remove, select Adobe Captivate Classic x.x.

  5. Click Add/Remove.

  6. In the Uninstall Options screen, select Remove Preferences and click Uninstall.

    The uninstall program removes program files, folders, and registry entries. When the files are removed, the uninstall program indicates that the process is complete.

  7. Click Done.

To uninstall Adobe Captivate Classic on Mac:

  1. Go to Applications\Adobe Captivate Classic <version_number>.

  2. Click Uninstall Adobe Captivate Classic <version_number>.

  3. In the Uninstall Options screen, select Remove Preferences and click Uninstall.

    The uninstall program removes program files, folders, and registry entries. When the files are removed, the uninstall program indicates that the process is complete.

  4. Click Done.


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