- Creating albums and album categories
- Editing albums and album categories
- Create and edit catalogs in Elements Organizer
- Back up or restore catalogs | Elements Organizer 2018
- Tag your media
- Using Smart Tags
- Creating and editing Saved Searches
- Back up or restore catalogs | Elements Organizer 15 and earlier versions
- Troubleshooting catalog issues
- Elements Organizer User Guide
- Introduction
- Workspace and workflow
- Importing media files
- Viewing and fixing media files
- Marking places, faces, and events
Managing catalogs, folders, and albums
- Creating albums and album categories
- Editing albums and album categories
- Create and edit catalogs in Elements Organizer
- Back up or restore catalogs | Elements Organizer 2018
- Tag your media
- Using Smart Tags
- Creating and editing Saved Searches
- Back up or restore catalogs | Elements Organizer 15 and earlier versions
- Troubleshooting catalog issues
- Searching photos and videos
- Creating photo projects
- Printing, sharing, and exporting
Elements Organizer 會顯示您使用 Adobe Premiere Elements 建立的專案清單。不過您無法在 Elements Organizer 對這些專案重新命名、進行編輯或增加媒體檔案。若要對這些專案進行編輯或增加媒體檔案,請啟動 Adobe Premiere Elements。若要檢視以 Adobe Premiere Elements 建立的視訊專案,請執行以下動作:
- 在 Elements Organizer 中展開「相簿」(按一下「相簿」旁的三角形)。Elements Organizer 隨即顯示相簿清單和「視訊專案」這個選項。
- 展開視訊專案 (按一下「專案」旁的三角形),檢視視訊專案的清單。按一下某個視訊專案,檢視出現在該專案的媒體。
- 選取您要使用的專案,然後以滑鼠右鍵按一下/按住 Ctrl 的同時以滑鼠按一下專案,開啟有下列選項的內容選單:
以 Premiere Elements Editor 開啟:選取此選項可檢視專案。