Go to lightroom.adobe.com and select All Photos > Sync Issues in the panel.
- Ръководство за работа на Creative Cloud
- Въведение в Creative Cloud
- Изтегляне, инсталиране, настройване и актуализиране
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- Деинсталиране или преместване на приложения Creative Cloud
- Отстраняване на грешки при инсталирането на приложения на Adobe
- Как и кога да използвате инструмента CC Cleaner
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- Влизане във вашия фирмен или училищен акаунт
- Разбиране на условията за абонамент на Creative Cloud и правилата за възстановяване на суми
- Преминаване от пробната версия на Creative Cloud към платено членство
- Творчески услуги
- Услуги за сътрудничество и съхранение
- Какво представляват облачните документи
- ЧЗВ за облачни документи
- Създаване или конвертиране на файлове в облачни документи
- Настройване на облачни документи за използване офлайн
- Връщане към по-стара версия на облачен документ
- Споделете работата си за коментиране
- Защо не мога да видя моите облачни документи офлайн?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Сътрудничество в Creative Cloud Libraries и папки
- ЧЗВ относно сътрудничеството
- Синхронизиране на файловете ви чрез съхранение в облака
- Разберете с какво съхранение в облака разполагате
- Задаване на опции за синхронизиране
- Прекратяване на Creative Cloud Synced files
- Изтегляне на Synced files и съдържание
- Проекти
- Организиране на библиотеки
- Мобилни приложения Creative Cloud
- Частни организации и екипи
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Your Adobe Creative Cloud membership comes with cloud storage. Learn how much storage you have used and how to upgrade it.
Teams or enterprise customer? Learn more about Creative Cloud storage for business.
How much storage do I have?
Go to Your work on the Creative Cloud website. (If prompted, sign in.)
Your used storage displays in the lower-left corner of the page.
Hover over your used storage to view the total available cloud storage.
You can also see how much storage you've in the Creative Cloud desktop app, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe InDesign.
Creative Cloud desktop app
Click the cloud icon it the upper right. Your cloud storage and file syncing status are displayed.
Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign
In the Home screen, select the cloud icon in the upper right. Your cloud storage status is displayed.
What does cloud storage include?
Your total cloud storage depends on your plan. The files stored in any of the following locations together count toward your total cloud storage. Free membership storage is contingent on the active use of Adobe’s products and services.
Together count toward total cloud storage | |||
Lightroom |
- When webpages are published using Adobe Express, a snapshot of the webpage is created and stored in your account, consuming additional quota. To free up this space, you can unpublish or delete the original webpage file. For detailed instructions on how to unpublish a webpage, see here.
- Files shared for review are duplicated upon sharing, which increases quota usage. You can manage and delete these review files as needed through your account. To access your review files, see here.
If a user exceeds the Creative Cloud storage limit, new files cannot be created. But if users exceed the quota while working on existing files, they can finish the task as long as it's within 1 GB. A red exclamation mark appears if a file can't be synced, but you can still move, rename or delete files.
Users should regularly monitor their storage usage and delete unnecessary files to stay within their allotted quota.
Maximum number of files and folders
You can store as many files and folders as your cloud storage allows, but you cannot sync more than the following number of files and folders:
- 350,000 files
- 150,000 folders
This doesn't include the files, folders, or sub-folders shared with you by others. Also note that files and folders you haven't deleted permanently still count toward your cloud storage.
Delete files permanently to free up cloud storage
Ensure that your deleted files aren't using valuable storage by deleting them permanently. Learn how to permanently delete files to free up storage.
To continue to sync files, and save more files on the cloud upgrade your storage.
Partially synced files in Lightroom occupy storage space. If you are a Lightroom user, you can clear storage by synchronizing or uploading photos and videos.
Once you complete the above steps, storage space reserved to sync the photos and videos will be cleared.
How do I upgrade my cloud storage?
If you need more storage, you can purchase extra storage plans through your Adobe ID account. For instructions, see: