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Set quiz preferences for Adobe Captivate Classic

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Set general quiz preferences

  1. Select:

    • Edit > Preferences (Windows)
    • Adobe Captivate Classic > Preferences (Mac OS)
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Settings from the Quiz menu.

    Settings options in Quiz preferences
    Settings options in Quiz preferences

  3. Enter the information in the following fields:

    Name Enter a name for your quiz. In a project with more than one quiz, naming helps identify a quiz easily.

    Select one of the following options from the menu:

    • Optional ‐ The User Can Skip This Quiz Allows users to skip the quiz and move on with the project.
    • Required ‐ The User Must Take The Quiz To Continue The project moves to the next slide only after the user has moved through all the question slides.
    • Pass Required ‐ The User Must Pass This Quiz To Continue The project moves to the next slide only after the user has scored the required points in the quiz.
    • Answer All ‐ The User Must Answer Every Question To Continue The project moves to the next slide only after the user has answered all the question slides. 
    Objective ID The ID of the quiz to which the question slide belongs. In a master quiz containing multiple quizzes, an objective ID helps identify the quiz to which the question belongs.
    Interaction ID Prefix Every action that the user performs on a question slide is assigned a unique interaction ID. For example, when the user attempts a question incorrectly the first time, and gets it right the next time round, Adobe Captivate Classic generates two interaction IDs. Use this field if you want to customize the generated interaction IDs by prefixing them with the assigned characters.
    Shuffle Answers For question slides with multiple answers, the answers are shuffled when the user attempts the same question slide the next time.
    Clear Select to display a Clear button for all quiz questions.
    Back Select to display a Back button for all quiz questions.
    Skip Select to display a Skip button on all quiz questions.
    Review Mode Navigation Buttons Adds << and >> buttons to cycle through quiz so participants can review their answers after completion. 
    Submit All

    Enable this option to let users review and modify answered questions and submit all questions simultaneously.

    For more information, see Submitting all answers simultaneously.

    When you enable the option, the Submit All Messages dialog box displays, where you can customize the messages that appear on submitting a quiz.

    Branch Aware

    Use this option to calculate the final score based only on the questions in the ‘branch' that users have viewed. For example, consider that a project contains a quiz that branches into two modules that in turn contain a quiz each. If a user reaches the module with three questions and 10 points each, the total score is considered as 30 points.

    If this option is not enabled, the scores are calculated on the total number of questions in the project and not the module that users actually viewed.

    Note: Pretests are branch-aware by default.

    Show Progress

    Select this option to show users which question number they are currently working on within the quiz.

    For more information, see Set progress indicator preferences.

    Allow Backward Movement Select to allow participants to visit slides that were attempted previously.
    Show Score At End Of Quiz

    Lets users view their score at the end of the quiz. You can customize the message that appears when the user passes or fails the quiz. Click Quiz Result Messages to customize the messages. You can also customize the options that you want to be displayed on the score slide.

    When you enable this option, the Quiz Result Messages dialog box displays, where you can customize the passing and failing messages, and choose the scores to be displayed at the end of a quiz.

    Allow User to Review the Quiz

    Users can review a quiz after they have completed attempting it and the score has been displayed. This option allows users to find out questions they answered incorrectly, and their correct answers. You can customize the messages provided in the feedback.

    When you enable this option, the Question Review Messages dialog box displays, where you can customize the messages that appear upon reviewing the quiz.

    Hide Playbar in Quiz

    Select this option to hide the playbar on the question and result slides.

    Note: A playbar is never displayed for pretest questions.

Quiz reviews

When users review the quiz after attempting to answer it, Adobe Captivate Classic provides feedback graphically through images.



Displayed in Question Type...

Question is answered incorrectly


Question is answered correctly


Answer to the question is partially correct

Multiple choice questions, if partial score is enabled.

For example, if two choices are correct answers for the question and user selects one of them.

You did not answer this question completely

(Default message specified in Preferences > Quiz > Settings > Question Review Messages)

Question is skipped

Any type of ‘graded' question skipped by the user.

Skipped answers

Matching question, Sequence question, Multiple choice questions, Fill in the blank questions with multiple answers

For example, when a user does not select an option in the combo box of a matching question.

Correct answer


List of correct answers

Matching question, Sequence question, Fill in the blank questions

For example, when users answer a sequence question incorrectly, the sticky icon provides the correct sequence of answers.

Correct answer (in a hotspot question)

Hotspot question

Incorrect answer


Incorrect answer (in a hotspot question)

Hotspot question

This icon is displayed on all the wrong clicks by the user in a hotspot question.

These images are in the <installation folder>/Gallery/Quiz/QuizReviewAssets folder. You can replace the images (PNG, FLA, and SWF files) with custom images. However, ensure that you maintain the same size as the default ones for best results.

Set pass or fail preferences

You can set the minimum score required to pass a quiz. You can also define the action that should take place after the user passes or fails a test.

  1. Select:

    • Edit > Preferences (Windows)
    • Adobe Captivate Classic > Preferences (Mac OS)
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Pass or Fail from the Quiz menu.

    Pass or fail preferences options
    Pass or fail preferences options

  3. In the Pass /Fail options, do one of the following:

    • Pass/Fail Options: Set whether participants need to have a percentage or more of total points to pass, or a set number or more of points to pass.
    • Pass/Fail Grade Actions: Set what actions the quiz will carry out if the participant passes the quiz, or fails. Can also set the number of times a user can attempt the quiz.
  4. To decide the course of the project after the user passes a quiz, select an action in the If Passing Grade section.

    Passing actions
    Passing actions

  5. To decide the course of the project after the user fails a quiz, select an action in the If Failing Grade section. The actions are similar to those in the If Passing Grade section.

Specify messages and button labels

  1. Select:

    • Edit > Preferences (Windows)
    • Adobe Captivate Classic > Preferences (Mac OS)
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Default Labels from the Quiz menu.

    Default labels options
    Default labels options


    You can change the key via which you want to continue from a question slide. The default key is set to 'Y' for any new project.


    Display the default message feedback when conditions are met (for example, a correct message is displayed when a question is answered correctly)


    Lists all the default button labels displayed on any buttons added to the quiz. 


    Displays a preview of the message/button currently being edited.

  3. Change the default labels and style for the Submit, Submit All, Clear, Skip, and Back buttons in the Default Question Button Labels section. The four buttons are displayed on any question slide unless you have disabled them in the Property Inspector of that slide.

    To create a new style for the labels, click Create New Style. See Object style for more information.

Set progress indicator preferences

The progress bar displays the user's progress through the questions.

To set preferences for progress indicator,

  1. Select:

    • Edit > Preferences (Windows)
    • Adobe Captivate Classic > Preferences (Mac OS)
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, select Quiz > Settings.

  3. In the Settings section, select Show Progress.

  4. Specify a progress type. This decides how the progress bar displays the user's progress through the questions.

    • Relative Progress lists the current question and the total number of questions (for example, "Question 3 out of 10").

    • Absolute Progress lists just the question number (for example, "Question 3").


    In branched quizzes, the branching path can be indefinite. For example, if users click button A, then they go to branch 1 else branch 2. In such cases, Adobe Captivate Classic omits the total number of questions even if Relative Progress is selected.

Download sample projects

To learn more about Captivate Classic and how you can create engaging learning content, download the following projects:

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