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- Ce sunt documentele din cloud?
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- Servicii Creative
Servicii de colaborare și stocare
- Ce sunt documentele din cloud?
- Întrebări frecvente despre documentele în cloud
- Creați sau convertiți fișiere în documente din cloud
- Configurați documentele din cloud pentru a le utiliza offline
- Reveniți la o versiune anterioară a unui document din cloud
- Partajați-vă munca pentru comentarii
- De ce nu îmi pot vedea offline documentele din cloud?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
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- Întrebări frecvente despre Collaboration
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- Aflați cât spațiu de stocare în cloud aveți la dispoziție
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- Proiecte
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- Aplicații Creative Cloud pentru mobil
- Întreprinderi și echipe
Apply, customize, and inspect Content Credentials all in one place.
Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) is a web app that allows users to apply, customize, and inspect Content Credentials. It can help you protect your work and get recognition and allows you to indicate to generative AI models not to use your work for training or as input to help create new content. Inspecting Content Credentials with Adobe’s Inspect tool can provide more context about a piece of content, such as who made it and how.
Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) is currently free to use with your individual Adobe account.
Applying Content Credentials
With Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta), you can apply and inspect content credentials. Applying Content Credentials (desktop only) is like signing your work. It indicates to viewers the relationship between you and your content. Adobe's Inspect tool can help you view this information and other context about a selected file or screenshot.
With Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta), you can easily apply information including your social profiles and generative AI training and usage preference.
It allows you the following:
- Select files: Upload up to 50 files from your device at a time. Supported files must be JPG or PNG format only and no larger than 20MB each.
- Customize information: Choose what information you include in your Content Credentials. Your preferences are saved for the next time you apply, and can always be changed between uploads. You can’t change the information in your Content Credentials after you apply them to your work.
- Download: You’ll receive a zip folder with new versions of the files that you selected from your device, with Content Credentials attached to each file. Only these new versions of your files have Content Credentials applied to them, so be sure to use them for publishing and sharing.
Durable and connected
Content Credentials from Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) are stored directly in your work and Adobe’s public Content Credentials cloud. They will continue to stay connected to your work once they are applied, thanks to a combination of embedded metadata, invisible watermarking, and digital fingerprinting technology that ensures that your Content Credentials can be reconnected with your content, even if metadata is lost when uploading your content to websites that don’t support Content Credentials and strip metadata from uploaded files. To maintain this high level of protection, there are currently no ways to change the information in your Content Credentials once you apply them to your files.
Customization of Content Credentials
Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta) allows you to include information related to your identity and generative AI training and usage preference in the Content Credentials you apply. The following information can be included in Content Credentials applied to your work from Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta):
- Social media accounts: Including these profiles helps people viewing your content discover other work you’ve produced. Behance, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter) are currently supported, and the connection is established by signing into your profiles. Connecting your social media profiles only lets you display them in your Content Credentials and does not allow publishing to those profiles.
- Generative AI training and usage preference: Adobe never trains Firefly generative AI models on your content or any unlicensed content. Not all models follow the same approach. That’s why we’re driving the development of an industry-wide standard that helps you indicate to other models that you don’t want your content used for generative AI training or creation. Models supporting this preference won’t train on or use your work.
- Name (coming soon): You will soon be able to include your name in your Content Credentials after verifying your identity through one of Adobe’s verification partners for free.
- The Apply feature is only available on desktop (not mobile).
- Content Credentials can’t be applied to content already published online. If you’ve posted a photo on a website, you can’t add Content Credentials to that live photo. You need to apply Content Credentials to a file before publishing it.
- You need to have a creator or business account on Instagram to connect your Instagram to Adobe Content Authenticity. Such accounts are free on Instagram.
- Connected accounts are supported only for business or creator accounts.
Online view of Content Credentials
When viewed by others online, your Content Credentials will display the information you selected when applying them. Content Credentials also always include the name of the Content Credential issuer (Adobe, Inc. for all Adobe apps and services) and issuing date, the tool used to produce the Content Credential, and an Inspect button that allows people to view your Content Credentials in full detail in Adobe’s Inspect tool.
Help and resources
- Download your work: Learn how to download your work and share it online.
- Manage preferences: Manage your social media accounts through Preferences.