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- Transformați o versiune de încercare Creative Cloud într-un abonament plătit
- Servicii Creative
- Servicii de colaborare și stocare
- Ce sunt documentele din cloud?
- Întrebări frecvente despre documentele în cloud
- Creați sau convertiți fișiere în documente din cloud
- Configurați documentele din cloud pentru a le utiliza offline
- Reveniți la o versiune anterioară a unui document din cloud
- Partajați-vă munca pentru comentarii
- De ce nu îmi pot vedea offline documentele din cloud?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Colaborați la Creative Cloud Libraries și foldere
- Întrebări frecvente despre Collaboration
- Sincronizați fișierele utilizând spațiul de stocare în cloud
- Aflați cât spațiu de stocare în cloud aveți la dispoziție
- Setați opțiunile de sincronizare
- Retragerea funcționalității Fișiere sincronizate Creative Cloud
- Descărcați fișiere și conținut sincronizate
- Proiecte
- Organizați biblioteci
- Aplicații Creative Cloud pentru mobil
- Întreprinderi și echipe
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Începând cu 11 decembrie 2023, fișierele sincronizate Creative Cloud nu vor mai putea fi utilizate de utilizatorii și organizațiile noi. Începând cu 1 februarie 2024, funcționalitatea Fișiere sincronizate Creative Cloud va fi întreruptă pentru conturile personale care existau înainte de 11 decembrie 2023 (aflați mai multe aici). Începând cu 1 octombrie 2024, funcționalitatea Fișiere sincronizate Creative Cloud va fi întreruptă pentru conturile de afaceri asociate cu organizații care existau înainte de 11 decembrie 2023 (aflați mai multe aici).
Adobe hopes that your use of the Creative Cloud file sync feature is seamless, but there are a few known issues that some have experienced using the app. If you run into one of these problems, and are unable to resolve it, ask an expert on the File Hosting, Syncing, and Collaboration forum or contact support.
Syncing in batches
The Creative Cloud file sync feature uses a serialized batch mode of syncing, so sometimes, it doesn't immediately show up-to-date notifications/accurate values. This issue is only temporary and resolves as each of your queues is synced.
For example, if you drag hundreds of files into the folder on your desktop, it processes them in groups. When each batch is complete, it begins syncing remaining batches.
If you make changes in the web browser, or on another device, the first operation is processed and completed before subsequent queued requests. Therefore, you don't always see all requests you have initiated immediately update in every context (your iPhone, Laptop, or other syncing devices).
If you encounter unexpected results in one context, let the pending sync operations complete. Each request is updated, and reflects your request when previous batches have been completed. Improvements to these behaviors are in progress, so it will be more seamless soon.
Syncing Large Files
If you copy a large file to your Creative Cloud Files folder, the file doesn't sync until it is copied completely into folder. As the file is copying, the file is flagged, and your Creative Cloud app notifies you that it is "Unable to sync file(s)". Once the copy completes, it begins syncing to Creative Cloud.
File sync time estimations
During sync of a large number of files, you can see a disproportionately large amount of time remaining. As the sync engine processes the files, it provides a progressively more accurate estimate of time remaining. If you see an unexpectedly large value for time-remaining-to-sync, wait a few moments. As the sync engine updates remaining time values, you see more reasonable estimates.
To free up quota, permanently delete files
Quota usage is calculated including deleted files. To free up storage, permanently delete files from the Creative Cloud Files page. Permanently deleting a large number of files from the Creative Cloud website trash can take a while.
Permanently deleting files on Windows
After permanently deleting files from the web client and then syncing, quota usage isn't always updated correctly on Windows. Turn sync off and then back on to see an accurate update.
Syncing over quota
Your last sync operation can enable you to exceed quota with a single file by up to 1 GB before sync shows an over quota error. For example, the menu could show: 150% used (3 GB of 2 GB).
Windows first launch experience
Upon first launch, Windows Explorer restarts. The restart enables sync status icons. In addition, after first launch, or after sign out or sign in, there is a 30-45 second delay for the Sign In Dialog to appear.