Explore Global Admin Console insights

Applies to enterprise.

Learn how global administrators can access and download audit logs, as well as organization data exported by any global administrator.

In the Global Admin Console, go to Insights > Audit Logs to track all changes made across organizations.

View and download audit logs

As a global administrator, you have full visibility of the changes made in the Global Admin Console. You can search the audit logs across all organizations for actions taken in the last 90 days, when they occurred, and who made them.

  • Audit logs help ensure continued compliance, safeguarding against any inappropriate system access, and auditing suspicious behavior within your organization.
  • The logs available in the Global Admin Console are only for events that a global admin has access to. They don't include any user assignments or user events. Learn more about the different capabilities each console offers.
  • The logs cover events for all organizations in the hierarchy. You can search the logs across all orgs at once.

As a system administrator on an Adobe Admin Console organization, you can search the Audit Log to audit user assignments or user events.

To view or download your organization's audit logs, do the following:

  1. As a global administrator, sign in to the Global Admin Console.

  2. Navigate to Insights > Audit Logs.

    The logs display the following information about the filtered events:




    The date and time of the event in the local time zone.

    Event Name

    Description of the event performed.

    Event Detail

    Additional details on an event, if available.

    Object Name

    The name of the product, product profile, or user group that is involved in the event, as applicable.

    Affected User

    The email of the user affected by the event, if applicable.


    Email address of the admin who performed the event. "System" is displayed if the event was performed by an Adobe back-end system.

    IP Address

    IP address of the machine where the action was taken. Usually reflects the physical location, but could be a proxy server or VPN address.


    Name of the organization affected by the event.


    Actions taken by system administrators in the child organizations of the selected organization are also included in the audit logs. Learn more about how system administrators can track changes made in the Admin Console.

  3. You can do the following to filter the audit logs:

    • Search events by the affected user or the admin who performed the event
    • Select the organizations
    • Define a date range
    • Select an event name
    Audit Logs displaying details about the events that occurred in the last seven days in the selected organization.
    Filter the audit logs based on the event name, affected organization, or date range.

    Select the organization dialog box where you can select organizations to filter the audit logs.
    Select organizations to filter the audit logs.

  4. To export the results, select Export CSVThe results are downloaded in a csv file. For a description of the fields in the downloaded file, see Log Schema.


    A report is retained for 90 days after you generate it.

Know your audit log report

The report you download contains the following information for each event:




Event ID


The date and time of the event in the local time zone.


Name of the event.


If available, additional details on an event.


Email address of the admin who performed the event. "System" is displayed if the event was performed by an Adobe back-end system.


Email address of the affected user, if applicable.


Affected user group name, if applicable.


Affected product name, if applicable.


Affected product profile name, if applicable.


IP address of the machine where the action was taken. Usually reflects the physical location, but could be a proxy server or VPN address.


Name of the organization affected by the event.

Download export reports

Anytime a global admin exports any organization data from the Global Admin Console, the report is processed and becomes available for download in the Global Admin Console > Insights > Export Reports.

All reports generated by any global admin are available in one place. The export reports capability is helpful in the following scenarios:

  • If you have a huge hierarchy with a large number of organizations, you no longer have to wait for the export file to be processed. You can use the reports generated by your fellow admins.
  • You no longer need to keep or save these reports to compare later. The reports are retained for 90 days, you can download these anytime and compare the reports.

Do the following to download your report:

  1. Sign in to the Global Admin Console and navigate to Insights Export Reports.

    The reports generated in the last 90 days are displayed. Once 90 days are complete, you can generate the report again. Learn how you can generate reports for Organization structure.




    Date and time in the local time zone for when the report was generated.


    Format of the report—CSV, JSON, XLSX.


    Size of the report.

    Created By

    Email address of the admin who generated the report.


    Link to download the report.

  2. To download a report, select Download.

    If the report you just generated isn't appearing on the list, select Refresh.

    Export reports displaying the reports generated in the last 90 days.
    Download any report generated in the last 90 days.

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