Manage assets using Adobe Asset Link

Applies to enterprise.

To create high-fidelity designs and prototypes in Adobe XD, use Adobe Asset Link for XD. Incorporate digital assets from Experience Manager Assets into your XD canvas. Adobe Asset Link for XD powers collaboration between designers and marketers throughout the design process. Learn more.

Use Adobe Asset Link to improve collaboration between creatives and marketers as part of the content creation process.

Connect with Adobe Experience Manager Assets through the Adobe Asset Link panel in Creative Cloud desktop apps: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD. Access content stored in Experience Manager Assets without leaving your Creative Cloud app. You can seamlessly browse, search, check out, and check in assets using Adobe Asset Link.


You must have a valid Creative Cloud for enterprise subscription to use Adobe Asset Link. For details, see Prerequisites.

About the Adobe Asset Link panel

Adobe Asset Link is installed as an extension in your Creative Cloud apps. You can open it from the Extensions menu in InDesign and Illustrator (WindowExtensions Adobe Asset Link).

To open the Adobe Asset Link panel in Photoshop, choose Window > Extensions (legacy) > Adobe Asset Link.

In Adobe XD, you can open Adobe Asset Link from the Plugins menu. For more information, see Adobe Asset Link for XD.

You can also configure your workspace to include the Adobe Asset Link panel. See Manage Windows and Panels.

Current location

(A) Displays the location of the file. You can click the drop-down arrow to return to the parent folder.

Sort list

(B) Allows you to sort the assets or search results alphabetically, by size, and by last modified.

Search field

(C) Allows you to search for assets, type a keyword in the search field and press Enter.

Search location

(D) Lets you target your search on a particular location, for example, a folder, collection, or the entire Experience Manager repository.

Panel menu

(E) Displays actions that you can perform on the panel, such as configuring the check-out location of assets and managing Experience Manager environments.

Filter options

(F) Allows you to filter search results across Experience Manager, Creative Cloud, and within specific folders and collections by file type and asset modification date.

List/Grid/Gallery/Stack view

(G) Allows you to switch between the list, grid, gallery, and stack views.

My pinned items

(H) Allows you to pin folders you frequently visit, and access them quickly from the Asset Link home screen.

Checked-out assets

(I) Displays all the assets that have been checked out from Experience Manager Assets.

Check-out status

(J) Displays on an asset's thumbnail if the asset is checked out. It indicates that the asset is locked, and only the person who checked it out can modify it.

Context menu

(K) Displays the actions that you can perform on the asset. Depending on the status of the asset, the actions include Check-out/Check In, Cancel Check-out, Open, Download, Place, Find Similar, and File Details. Each asset has a context menu.

Refresh button

(L) Reloads the assets or search results in the panel. It can be useful when uploading a new asset or when multiple users work concurrently in the same folder. If the panel displays an error message and you resolve it, click the button to close it and display the relevant context. You need not relaunch the panel.

You can use Adobe Asset Link to work with and modify assets stored within your organization's digital asset management system–Adobe Experience Manager Assets. With the in-app panel, you don't need a browser to download or upload assets. The Adobe Asset Link panel displays digital assets from your Experience Manager Assets environment. You don't need to sign in to Experience Manager Assets. When you sign in to your Creative Cloud app, you are automatically authenticated in Experience Manager in the background through Adobe's identity management system (IMS).

Use the Adobe Asset Link panel to browse or search for assets. To edit an asset, check it out from within your Creative Cloud app. After editing, you can check it back in, without leaving the app. You can also use Adobe Asset Link to browse read-only assets in Experience Manager Assets, including logos, standard designs, or templates. You can download and include such assets in your creative artifacts. However, you cannot modify the assets.

Adobe Asset Link also prevents conflicts by indicating whether assets are already checked out, which prevents other users from overwriting the assets.

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