Administrative roles

Applies to enterprise & teams.

Learn how to define a flexible system of Adobe Admin Console admins to simplify the management of Adobe product access and usage.

As an admin, you can assign an admin role to other users, giving them the same privileges as you have or lower. To manage admin roles, navigate to Users > Administrators in the Adobe Admin Console.

Using the Adobe Admin Console, organizations can define a flexible administrative hierarchy that allows fine-grained management of Adobe product access and usage. One or more System admins, provisioned during the enterprise onboarding process, sit at the top of the hierarchy. These System admins can delegate responsibilities to other admins, while still retaining overall control. 

Administrative Roles provide the following key benefits to enterprises:

  • Controlled decentralization of administrative responsibilities
  • Quick view of product assignments—by user and by product
  • Functionality to assign quotas to Product admins
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