Education Deployment Quick Tips

This page contains quick steps for setting up common configuation in education setups, these steps contain links to full guides. 

Education Setup Quick Tips

SSO Providers

Azure SSO

  1. Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Create Directory
  2. Enter a Directory Name (internal) and select Federated ID
  3. Select Azure
  4. Sign in with an Azure Global Admin account to accept the Adobe Identity Management App
  5. The federated directory will be created
  6. Add domains from Azure, Google or via a DNS record

Setup Azure SSO Guide

Google SSO

  1. Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Create Directory
  2. Enter a Directory Name (internal) and select Federated ID
  3. Select Google
  4. Launch the Google Admin console > Apps > Web and Mobile Apps
    Add App > Search for Adobe (SAML)
  5. Download the Metadata from Google
  6. Copy the ACRS URL and End Point URL from the Adobe Console Screen to Google
  7. Continue with all of the default settings.
  8. Upload the Google Metadata XML file to Adobe and complete the configuration.
  9. Ensure you set the Adobe app for all OU’s that require access.
  10. Add domains from AzureGoogle or via a DNS record

Setup Google SSO Guide

Sync Providers

Azure Sync

  1. Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Directory > Sync > Add Sync
  2. Select Azure
  3. In Azure Portal > Enterprise Applications > Adobe Identity Management, this app was added if you configured Azure SSO.
  4. Select Provisioning > Get Started
  5. Copy the endpoint URL and the Secret token from the Adobe Admin Console.
  6. Paste the values into the provisioning wizard in Azure.
  7. Test the connection
  8. In the Adobe Identity Management App > Select Users and Groups
  9. Add your Azure groups to the app. This will then sync the groups to Adobe
  10. Complete the confirmation step on the Adobe Admin Console and wait up to 20 minutes for synced Users and Groups to appear in the Adobe Admin Console.
  11. For troubleshooting the sync visit Entra > Enterprise Applications > Adobe Identity Management > Provisioning > Provisioning Log

Setup Azure Sync Guide

Google Sync

  1. Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Directory > Sync > Add Sync
  2. Select Google
  3. In the Google Admin Console > Web and Mobile Apps > Adobe (SAML)
  4. Select Configure Auto-Provisioning
  5. Copy the endpoint URL and Secret token from Adobe Admin Console
  6. Paste the values into the wizard in the Google Admin Console
  7. During the attribute mapping step, set the field attribute
    urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:Adobe:2.0:User.organizationalUnit to map to Organization unit path
  8. Complete the wizard on the Google Admin Console and enable user provisioning 
  9. Turn On auto-provisioning
  10. Complete the confirmation step on the Adobe Admin Console and wait up to 20 minutes for synced User and Groups to appear in the Adobe Admin Console.
  11. To troubleshoot the sync, go to the Google Admin Console > Web and Mobile Apps > Adobe SAML and view the details in the user provisioning section.

Setup Google Sync Guide

Secondary Identity Providers SSO

Clever SSO (Secondary IDP) (K-12)

  1. In the Clever district portal, add the Adobe Express SSO Only app
  2. Configure the sharing rules in Clever for these apps.
  3. To enable authentication with Clever Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Directory > Authentication > Add New IDP > Education Portal and LMS SSO > Clever
  4. Select Clever
  5. Test a login via Clever

Classlink SSO (Secondary IDP) (K-12)

  1. In the Classlink portal, add Adobe Express and publish the app.
  2. To enable authentication with Classlink, visit the Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Directory > Authentication > Add New IDP > Education Portal and LMS SSO >
  3. Select Classlink
  4. Keep the default options
  5. Test a login via Classlink

Schoology SSO (Secondary IDP) (K-12)

  1. While logged in as a Schoology Administrator, follow these steps to enable the Adobe Express App
  2. Navigate to the App Center.
  3. Find the Adobe Express App and click the icon.
  4. Click Install LTI 1.1 App, agree to the terms, then Add to Organization.
  5. Click Configure for the Adobe Express record on the Organization Apps page.
  6. Select Save Settings.
  7. Use the Install/Remove tool to enable the app for users according to your implementation plan
  8. In the Adobe Admin Console > Settings > Directory > Add New IDP > Education Portal and LMS SSO >
  9. Select Powerschool
  10. Test a login via Schoology
  11. Add the Adobe Express app to Schoology

Roster Sync (K-12 US)

  1. Roster syncing is available for Clever and Classlink districts.
    Approve the App in Clever or Classlink
  2. Configure the directory sync to link to your roster service in the Adobe Admin Console

Roster sync detailed guide

Custom Fonts

The custom fonts product offer enables IT Admins to share OTF or TTF fonts with their users. However, the admin must ensure they have the correct font license.

The first step in creating a custom font profile is to add a Product Admin to the custom font product. 

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

The Custom Fonts Product Admin can then visit and upload their fonts.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

The Custom Fonts product can then be assigned to a Group or via automatic product license assignment.

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