Install products in the exceptions folder

Applies to enterprise.

Before you install a package created with Adobe Creative Cloud Packager, read this article. Follow the instructions in this article to ensure that the exception payloads are installed and configured correctly. If you are installing Adobe Acrobat, refer to the instructions in the article Deploying Adobe Acrobat.

Installation packages

When creating an installation package, Creative Cloud Packager presents you with a list of applications and components that can be installed, from which you make your choices. All of these choices are recorded in the package.

When you create a package for enterprise deployment, two folders are created:

  • The Build folder contains the MSI (Windows) or the PKG (Mac OS) file for deployment with enterprise deployment tools such as Microsoft SCCM, Apple ARD, Microsoft Intune, Munki, or JAMF Pro.
  • The Exceptions folder contains the payloads that must be installed separately.

If Muse fails to launch after installing

Muse CC requires .NET Framework 4.5.2 or later to function. If Muse is installed on a machine and is failing to launch, you may need to deploy .NET Framework separately. For Adobe® Muse™ CC (2015.2) and onwards, the exceptions (such as .NET) are copied in the following location and the you need to install them separately:

Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\Third Party\<Sapcode_Of_App>\<package_name>\

For Muse versions prior to CC (2015.2), you need to install the .NET framework from the exceptions folder.

After you deploy a package with Muse, use the following step to deploy the .NET Framework:

  1. Run exception deployer in post mode.

    .NET gets installed on the client machine. Muse should now launch when you try to.

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