Create user group for Adobe Asset Link

Applies to enterprise.

Learn how to create user groups for Adobe Asset Link.

Before you can use Adobe Asset Link, you must create a unique user group with the applicable creative users in the Adobe Admin Console. The users added to the group must have Enterprise IDs or Federated IDs.

Ensure that the users in the group are assigned a supported Creative Cloud for enterprise plan with storage and services enabled. You can create user groups, if you have any of the following admin roles assigned in the Adobe Admin Console.

  • System Admin
  • Product Admin
  • Product Profile Admin

To set up user groups in the Adobe Admin Console, perform these steps:

  1. In the Adobe Admin Console, navigate to Users Users.

  2. Add the applicable creative users to your organization in the Adobe Admin Console, if not already added. All users must have Business ID, Enterprise ID, or Federated ID type accounts.


    If there are multiple organization IDs, ensure that you are using the organization ID for Creative Cloud.

  3. Create a user group, and add the applicable creative users to it.

    Make a note of the user group name. You require it to map groups with Adobe Experience Manager.


    The names of groups you create shouldn't be identical with any existing group in Adobe Experience Manager because they are replicated in Adobe Experience Manager as synced groups.

  4. While working on the Adobe Admin Console, the URL includes your organization ID (for example, https://adminconsole.adobe.com1234567890ABCDEF1234567891@AdobeOrg).

    Make a note of this ID, it is required to link Adobe Experience Manager to the applicable Adobe Identity Management System (IMS).

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