Manage transferred assets

Applies to enterprise & teams.

When users who stored assets in Creative Cloud folders are removed from the organization, admins can transfer the assets to designated users either immediately or later. Designated users receive an email with a link to download the compressed archive. For more information, see Reclaim assets.

Download shared files

  1. Click Download Now to view the files and download them.

    Email message to download file

  2. Click Download.

    Depending on the size of the original assets, multiple archives may be listed. The size of each compressed archive can reach up to 5 GB, based on the number of assets stored in the user folder.

    Files to download

Upload assets to your storage account

The compressed archive contains the synced assets of the user, including files, libraries, and cloud documents. You can extract these files and upload them to your own Creative Cloud storage folders. The various folders contain different types of assets. For example, the user assets are in the files folder, while all libraries are in the assets/libraries folder.

Exploded view of the reclaimed archive

  • File assets are located in the files folder. To upload these assets and files to your storage folder, see Sync assets in Creative Cloud.
  • Creative Cloud Libraries are located in assets/adobe-libraries folder. To upload libraries, use the Libraries panel in any supported app. For more information, see Creative Cloud Libraries.
  • Cloud documents, such as Adobe XD documents are stored in the cloud-content folder. You can open these files in Adobe XD, choose File > Save As, and then choose the Cloud Documents option. For more information, see Cloud documents in XD.

If you upload any downloaded asset to an incorrect Creative Cloud folder, or upload an unsupported asset type, the following message is displayed:

To avoid the error, ensure the following:

  • Upload assets, such as .aic, .psdc, .xdc, and .express files in the cloud-content folder only to the FilesYour Files folder in the Creative Cloud desktop app. Don't upload the files to FilesYour libraries in the Creative Cloud desktop app.
  • Only upload files with the extension .cclibc to the FilesYour Libraries folder in the Creative Cloud desktop app.

With Creative Cloud desktop app version 5.6, you can add multiple Creative Cloud libraries and cloud docs that you reclaimed.

  • To add Creative Cloud libraries, open any Creative Cloud library in One Up view in the Creative Cloud desktop app. Then, either drag the .cclibc files or select + in the right rail and select more .cclibc files.
  • To add cloud docs, navigate to Files > Your Files in the Creative Cloud desktop app, and drag the migrated cloud docs.
  • File types such as .cclibc, canvas, and weblink cannot be imported into the Your Files section of Creative Cloud desktop app.
  • To rename reclaimed .xdc assets after importing them into the Creative Cloud desktop app, open the assets in XD.
  • When imported, cloud documents such as .aic, .xdc, .psdc, and .express files, are shared with users. The asset name can sometimes be incorrect, or the extension may not be present. To resolve the issue, the recipient must open the document in the appropriate Creative Cloud app.
  • If the user's operating system is Windows, and the name of a document to be imported includes special characters (such as  and ?), remove the special characters before importing the asset.

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