Check if a package is deployed

Applies to enterprise & teams.

A package ID uniquely identifies a package.

This document details to steps to check if a given package (using the package ID) is deployed on specific client machines.

To determine which versions of Adobe applications are installed on a computer, see this document.

Get package ID

Before checking client machines for a deployed package (using the package ID), you must obtain the package ID.


Package IDs are available for packages created (or updated) in Creative Cloud Packager 1.8 and later versions.

The procedures detailed in this document do not apply to packages created in version 1.7 or earlier.

You can get the package ID from the package details panel in the Admin Console. In the Admin Console, go to the Packages tab and click any package to open the package details panel.

Package ID is on the Package details panel

Query client machines

For macOS

  1. On your computer, go to the Applications folder and then go to the Utilities folder.

  2. Open the terminal.

  3. Run the following command to query for the installed packages:

    pkgutil --packages --volume / | grep <PackageID>

For Windows

  1. To open the Windows Registry Editor, press the Start button on your keyboard, type regedit and press Enter.

  2. If you are prompted with a User Access Control dialog, click Yes.

  3. In the Registry Editor, click Edit > Find.

  4. In the Find dialog, enter the package ID and click Find Next.

  5. If the package ID exists on the client machine, it is returned under the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall 

Using Microsoft SCCM

If you are using Microsoft SCCM, you can also remotely query the clients for the package IDs in two ways:

  • By extending the hardware inventory schema to gather registry key values
  • By using Desired Configuration Manager (DCM) to map the number of clients with this registry key and package ID

We recommend that you use the MSI to uninstall a package and not use the product code present in the registry entry.

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