Manage product profiles

Applies to enterprise.

Learn how global administrators can add, edit, and delete product profiles.

In the Global Admin Console, select an organization and navigate to Products. Activate all or select services for a product using product profiles.

As in the Admin console, you can fine-tune the usage of the products within an organization through product profiles. You can also assign administrators, called product profile administrators, to the product profiles. These administrators can add end users to the product profiles that they manage. 

To manage product profiles, select a product. The controls to add, edit, and delete product profiles are displayed. For some products, you cannot create or edit product profiles in the Global Admin Console. In such cases, use the Admin Console.

Add a product profile

  1. In the Global Admin Console, select an organization to edit, then navigate to the Products tab.

  2. Select a product to add a Product Profile to.

  3. Select Add Profile.

    Add product profile

  4. Enter the following in the Add Profile dialog box that appears:

    • Name: specify a name for the Product Profile that is unique in the organization among other product profiles and user groups.
    • Quota: specify the target number of licenses allotted for this profile
    • User Groups: select the drop-down arrow to choose a user group from the list, or enter the user group name and select it from the drop-down list that displays. If you want to add a user group that you have not yet created, you must first create it using the User Groups tab.
    • Admins: select the drop-down arrow to choose an admin from the list, or enter the admin's email address and select it from the drop-down list that displays. If you want to add a new admin that hasn't already been created, you must first do that using the Admins tab.

    The User Groups you specify are assigned the Product Profile, and the Admins you specify become the Product Profile Admins for the profile. The Product Profile Admins can use the Adobe Admin console for the relevant organization to manage the Product Profile.

    Add product profile

  5. Use the Notifications toggle to enable or disable the notifications. If enabled, users are notified via email when they are added or removed from this profile.

  6. Use the toggles for individual services to enable or disable them for the Product Profile. For more information, see Enable/disable services for a Product Profile.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Select Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, select Submit Changes to execute them.

Edit a product profile

  1. Select an organization to edit, navigate to the Products tab, and select a product.

  2. Select the More Options  icon for the relevant Product Profile, and select Edit Profile.

    Edit product profile

  3. Update the Product Profile details and select Save.

  4. Select Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, select Submit Changes to execute them.

Delete a product profile


Deleting a product profile removes access to the product for users who were members of that profile or user groups that were attached to that profile.

  1. Select an organization to edit, navigate to the Products tab, and select a product.

  2. Select the More Options  icon for the relevant Product Profile, and select Delete Profile.

    Delete a product profile

  3. Select Ok in the dialog box that appears.

  4. Select Review Pending Changes after you are done editing the organizations. After reviewing, select Submit Changes to execute them.

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