- Basic concepts
- Deployment Guides
Deploy Creative Cloud for education
- Deployment home
- K-12 Onboarding Wizard
- Simple setup
- Syncing Users
- Roster Sync K-12 (US)
- Key licensing concepts
- Deployment options
- Quick tips
- Approve Adobe apps in Google Admin Console
- Enable Adobe Express in Google Classroom
- Integration with Canvas LMS
- Integration with Blackboard Learn
- Configuring SSO for District Portals and LMSs
- Add users through Roster Sync
- Kivuto FAQ
- Primary and Secondary institution eligibility guidelines
- Identity types | Overview
- Set up identity | Overview
- Set up organization with Enterprise ID
- Setup Azure AD federation and sync
- Set up Google Federation and sync
- Set up organization with Microsoft ADFS
- Set up organization for District Portals and LMS
- Set up organization with other Identity providers
- SSO common questions and troubleshooting
- Overview
- Administrative roles
- User management strategies
- Assign licenses to a Teams user
- In-app user management for teams
- Add users with matching email domains
- Change user's identity type
- Manage user groups
- Manage directory users
- Manage developers
- Migrate existing users to the Adobe Admin Console
- Migrate user management to the Adobe Admin Console
Manage products and product profiles
- Manage products
- Buy products and licenses
- Manage product profiles for enterprise users
- Manage automatic assignment rules
- Entitle users to train Firefly custom models
- Review product requests
- Manage self-service policies
- Manage app integrations
- Manage product permissions in the Admin Console
- Enable/disable services for a product profile
- Single App | Creative Cloud for enterprise
- Optional services
- Adopt global administration
- Select your organization
- Manage organization hierarchy
- Manage product profiles
- Manage administrators
- Manage user groups
- Update organization policies
- Manage policy templates
- Allocate products to child organizations
- Execute pending jobs
- Explore insights
- Export or import organization structure
- Storage
- Manage projects
- Asset migration
- Reclaim assets from a user
- Student asset migration | EDU only
- Adobe Stock
- Custom fonts
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud for enterprise - free membership
- Overview
- Create packages
- Customize packages
- Deploy Packages
- Manage updates
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Troubleshoot
- Adobe Enterprise & Teams: Administration guide
Plan your deployment
- Basic concepts
- Deployment Guides
Deploy Creative Cloud for education
- Deployment home
- K-12 Onboarding Wizard
- Simple setup
- Syncing Users
- Roster Sync K-12 (US)
- Key licensing concepts
- Deployment options
- Quick tips
- Approve Adobe apps in Google Admin Console
- Enable Adobe Express in Google Classroom
- Integration with Canvas LMS
- Integration with Blackboard Learn
- Configuring SSO for District Portals and LMSs
- Add users through Roster Sync
- Kivuto FAQ
- Primary and Secondary institution eligibility guidelines
Set up your organization
- Identity types | Overview
- Set up identity | Overview
- Set up organization with Enterprise ID
- Setup Azure AD federation and sync
- Set up Google Federation and sync
- Set up organization with Microsoft ADFS
- Set up organization for District Portals and LMS
- Set up organization with other Identity providers
- SSO common questions and troubleshooting
- Manage your organization setup
Manage users
- Overview
- Administrative roles
- User management strategies
- Assign licenses to a Teams user
- In-app user management for teams
- Add users with matching email domains
- Change user's identity type
- Manage user groups
- Manage directory users
- Manage developers
- Migrate existing users to the Adobe Admin Console
- Migrate user management to the Adobe Admin Console
Get started with Global Admin Console
- Adopt global administration
- Select your organization
- Manage organization hierarchy
- Manage product profiles
- Manage administrators
- Manage user groups
- Update organization policies
- Manage policy templates
- Allocate products to child organizations
- Execute pending jobs
- Explore insights
- Export or import organization structure
Manage storage and assets
- Storage
- Manage projects
- Asset migration
- Reclaim assets from a user
- Student asset migration | EDU only
Manage services
- Adobe Stock
- Custom fonts
- Adobe Asset Link
- Adobe Acrobat Sign
- Creative Cloud for enterprise - free membership
Deploy apps and updates
- Overview
- Create packages
- Customize packages
- Deploy Packages
- Manage updates
- Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST)
- Adobe Remote Update Manager (RUM)
- Troubleshoot
- Manage your Teams account
- Renewals
- Manage contracts
- Reports & logs
- Get help
Applies to enterprise.
If you plan to deploy shared device licenses in multiple labs to your institution, you can map each lab to a different product profile on the Admin Console.
For example, you can create a product profile for labs to be unrestricted, so that anyone can use Adobe apps, even users without a school account. Additionally, you can create product profiles for other labs where access to the installed applications needs to be restricted to users with a school account. Also, you can restrict access to the applications installed in these labs based on the access policies defined on the corresponding product profiles.
Manage product profiles
Quick help |
As a product admin, you can create or edit product profiles and assign product profile admins to these profiles. In addition, as a product admin or a product profile admin, you can manage the product profiles for which you are the administrator.
Read about how to create product profiles for named user licenses.
In the Admin Console, navigate to Products.
Choose a product for on which you need to base your product profile.
Ensure that you are in the Product Profiles tab
If you're creating a new profile, click New Profile.
If you're editing an existing profile, in the list of profiles, click the profile name and then click Settings.
On the Profile Details screen, enter a profile name, display name, description, and click Done.
After the product profile is created, you are taken to the Configure profile screen. In this screen, you manage the following device configurations:
User Access Policy: Decide who, in your institution, can access Adobe apps and services on the device.
Egress IP addresses: Decide which devices can access Adobe apps and services based on the institution's Egress IP addresses.
Associated Machines: Decide which devices can access Adobe apps and services based on their organizational unit, IP address range, or the package deployed.
In the User Access Policy tab, choose the required access policy as follows:
You can choose Open Access to enable anyone to access the apps on a shared device. All they need is valid credentials. Users can even sign up for a free Adobe ID and use that to access the apps. Use this option for open labs where general public, visiting students and staff, and our students access the labs and the apps. For example, shared machines in your public library or if you use the lab to provide continuing education after hours.
Use Organization user only to limit access to users you have added to the Admin Console. These users could be of any type of ID which is supported on the admin console. This option is useful if you want to provide limited access to approved students and staff only. For example, a lab at a higher education institution, where users may have any supported identity type .
Use Enterprise/Federated users only, to restrict access to Enterprise users only. Signing in with personal Adobe IDs does not enable access to the apps. This option is useful to restrict access to Enterprise users only. For example, in a K-12 lab use this option to authorize minor students to access the apps and services.
Go to the Egress IPs tab and specify IP addresses or IP ranges.
For multiple addresses and / or ranges, specify each on a separate line.
Computers connecting to Adobe from outside the defined ranges will not allow the use of shared device licenses.
Egress IPs are the public IP addresses with which the institution connects to the Internet, that are assigned by their ISP or by an IP allocation authority.
Now, say a user included in this product profile, launches a Creative Cloud app on a device running Shared Device licensing. In this case, the egress IP of that device is verified against the egress IPs that you have specified above.
Go to the Associated Machines section and select the required option:
Choose By Microsoft Active Directory organizational units to ensure all machines that belong to a listed organizational unit are associated with a product profile. If, for example, your institution has created organizational units based on department, you can create product profiles for each department. Machines that belong to a department will be associated to a specific product profile.
Choose By LAN IP address range to ensure that all machines within the listed LAN IP address ranges are associated with a product profile. For example, choose this option if your computer labs or shared computers in a library are organized by defined LAN IP ranges.
Note:If an associated machine has both Ethernet and Wi-Fi IP addresses, the product profile uses the Ethernet IP address.
Choose By installed package to ensure that all machines with the selected package(s) are associated with a product profile.
Note:The associated machine options are applied in the listed order of priority.
Say profile A is configured with Active Directory OU = Library and profile B is configured with Package = Video apps. A machine in the Library OU and with the Video apps package, will be associated with profile A and not with profile B.
A maximum of 10 packages can be added to a single profile.
Click Save.
You can also perform the following actions on product profiles:
Download activated device report
The Create Report option allows you to download a report of the devices in your institution that are currently activated with shared device licenses.
This report contains the following details:
- Licensed on: Date on which the device was licensed.
- Activation Status: SUCCESSFUL: Device activation was successful. UNSUCCESSFUL: Device activation failed. On activation, the device is associated with the default product profile profile. AUTO_ACTIVATED: An older version of shared device license packages is installed on the device. On activation, the device is associated with the default product profile.
- Machine DNS Name: DNS name of the machine
- IP Address: IP address of the machine
- Package Name: Name of shared device license package installed on the machine.
- Active Directory OU: Name of organizational unit that the machine belongs to, if any.
- Egress IP Address: Egress IP address of the network that the machine belongs to.
Follow these steps to download the report:
In the Admin Console, navigate to Products and choose a product in the left rail.
Click the required profile.
From the menu in the upper-right corner, choose Create Report.
The report is created on the Adobe server and then downloaded to your computer.