Set up the internal update server

Applies to enterprise.

Set up the internal update server and then set up clients to use the server.

Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) enables you to centralize the download of Adobe apps and updates to a single server location. 

AUSST tool

Maintain server

setup server

2. Set up the internal update server 

Common use cases

You can set up an internal update server, with AUSST. Before setting up an internal update server you need an already up and running HTTP server (such as Apache or IIS). An HTTP server can host and serve static file content.  

You can download the Adobe apps and updates from the Adobe Update server to your internal update server. You need to set up your clients or end users computers to get their apps and updates from your internal update server.

To check the system requirements, see AUSST web server system requirements.

Set up an HTTP server for use with AUSST

This section describes how to set up an HTTP server. The first procedure describes how to set up an Apache server on Mac. The second procedure describes how to set up an Internet Information Services (IIS) Server on Windows for use with AUSST.


Your AUSST server can be configured to allow connections via HTTP or HTTPS, as these protocols are supported. However, if you are using the HTTPS protocol, you’ll need to ensure that the HTTPS certificate is recognised as being valid by the computers on which the applications and updates are to be installed.

Set up an Apache HTTP server

You can use any Apache server. For this example, XAMPP for Mac OS X is used.

  1. Download and install an HTTP server. 

  2. Copy the update and installation files synchronized by AUSST, to a sub-directory accessible through the web-server.

    • If you haven’t already downloaded the AUSST files, pass the command to copy the AUSST files to a folder under the HTTP server folder (here htdocs) folder. For more information, see Use the fresh sync option if multiple apps/updates are visible on  end-user computers.
    • If you have already downloaded the AUSST files, copy AUSST files to a folder inside the HTTP server folder. (here <xamppserver>\htdocs\<create a folder called AUSSTFiles>). For the new folder you have created in this step (here AUSSTFiles), change permissions to select to “Apply to enclosed items.”
  3.  Launch the HTTP server (here Xamppserver).  

  4. Start the HTTP web server. For example, in the xampp server, go to the Manage Servers tab and start the Apache web server.

    Apache Server

  5. Generate the .override files. For steps on generating the .override files, see Generating Client Configuration Files

Set up IIS

Before you begin: You need a platform such as Windows Server 2008 R2 and above.

Ping the server from another computer to see if it is reachable.

Ping <server ip or hostname>



The AUSST tool and the update mechanism used by CCD and RUM support IIS 7.5 and above, when an overrides file is in place on the client workstations. The screenshots and instructions below demonstrate IIS 8.5; the same settings should be applied to other versions of IIS.

  1. Set up IIS 8.5 on any platform, such as Windows Server 2019.  For steps on configuring IIS 8.5, see:

    •  Add two additional Role Services manually: ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters while configuring IIS 8.5. 

    •  Click Install on the Confirmation screen. 

    Ensure to restart the server after you have installed the above given additional roles. 

  2. Ensure that Directory Browsing on IIS is enabled.

    • In Server Manager, select Tools > IIS Manager.
    • In IIS Manager, select the server displayed in the left pane. 
    • Double click the Directory Browsing to enable the directory service.
    Directory Browsing

    •  Enable the Directory Browsing service.
    Enable Drirectory Browsing

  3. Select the server displayed in the left pane. 

  4. Click the Handler Mappings of the required website. 

    Handler Mappings


    The configuration changes are applied to all data referring to this (default in this example) website. You should, therefore, create a separate website for updater- related data and apply these configuration-related changes to this separate website, so that the other sites are not affected.

  5. Select the Add Module Mapping option. 

    Add Module Mapping

  6. Add Module Mapping for .xml extension. You may use the details as shown in the sample dialog box.

    Add Module Mapping

  7. After the extension is added, the system displays the Add Module Mapping dialog box. Click Yes.

    Extenstion added

  8. Similarly add Module Mapping for the given extensions:

    • ·crl
    • .zip
    • .dmg
    • .sig
    • .json
    • .arm 
    Module mappings

    Check that you have added Module Mapping for all the above listed extensions.

  9. For Acrobat and Adobe Reader, you will need to add the application/octet-stream MIME Types for the .msp, .pkg, and .arm extensions.

    • Select the Server displayed in the left pane. 
    • Add the MIME Type.
    Add Mime Type

    • Add the details as shown in the sample dialog box.
    Add Mime Types

  10. Similarly add MIME types for the .pkg, and .arm extensions.

    Mime Types

    Check you have added the MIME type for all three mentioned extensions. 

  11. Confirm that the web server works by opening a web browser on the server itself. Verify that the following default web page is displayed when you use the http://localhost address.

    Local Host

Set up the internal update server with AUSST tool

The steps to set up an internal update server are described in the following sections. However, before proceeding you need an already up and running HTTP server (such as Apache or IIS) that can host and serve static file content.

See Set up IIS for a step-by-step guide to setting up IIS for use with AUSST.

Download AUSST

AUSST is a command-line tool and needs no separate installation steps. There are no restrictions on where AUSST should be located on the computer.

 In the  Admin Console navigate to Packages > Tools.


 On the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool card, click to download AUSST for your operating system app.

Ausst tool

Set up the internal update server

Ensure that you've downloaded the latest version of the  Adobe Update Server Setup Tool from the admin console, to set up your internal update server.  


To ensure that the Update server runs without interruption confirm that you have allowed access to the endpoints in Adobe Creative Cloud Network Endpoints.

The paths provided to all the command-line options in the following section must be absolute paths. AUSST does not support relative paths.

  1. Within your web folder, create a folder (root) that you will use to download the Adobe apps and updates from the Adobe Update server.

    For example: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates

    Updates folder

    The root folder location must map to a valid HTTP URL on your web server. To validate this, go to a browser and ensure that the folder root is accessible via an http request.

    For example:

    server root

  2. Navigate to the folder in which you have downloaded the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.

    • cd <Absolute location of the folder which contains the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool>

           For example: cd C:\AUSST 

    The  root update folder (which we will use as an example throughout this document) on your web server is at the file-system location:

    For example:

    • macOS/serverroot/updates/
    • WindowsC:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates

    Check that the root location has the correct Write permissions. 

  3. Enter the following command to do a fresh installation of the internal update server:

    • Windows:
      AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<absolute location of the folder from Step 1 above>" --fresh
    • macOS:
      AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="<absolute location of the folder from Step 1 above>" --fresh

    For example:

    AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="c:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --fresh

    Ensure that there are no spaces around the = sign. Also, ensure that all options are preceded by a                   --(double minus) sign.


    Fresh sync is a time-consuming process and can take up to around 24 hours to complete. If a fresh sync fails during the process, you do not need to run the process again. You can download the remaining products using the incremental command.

    AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="<root folder>" --incremental


    AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="<root folder>" --incremental


A full fresh sync requires approximately 600 GB (which may vary depending on the size of Adobe apps). Refer to the Common use cases for a selective sync.

After the synchronization of apps and updates with the Adobe Update server is complete, the AUSST tool creates an updated directory structure at the root folder location.

The folder structure matches that of the Adobe update server, and performs the initial synchronization that downloads all available apps and updates from the Adobe update server to your internal update server.

Verify your internal update server setup

  1. Ensure that the web server is running correctly — confirm that the home page of the web server can be accessed by a browser from a client computer.

    Verify that you can browse through the directories by clicking the directory links.

    Server Host

  2. To verify that your server supports extension-less files open this URL in your web browser - you should see a string of letters:

    http://<server name>/updates/ACC/services/ffc/icons/producticon

    For example:


  3. To verify that your server supports files with extensions, test that you can open the following XML file in a web browser from your server:

    • If you have not set up product configuration groups:

    http://<server name>/updates/ACC/services/ffc/products/ffc.xml

    • If you have set up product configuration groups:

    http://<server name>/updates/ACC/services/ffc/products/<groupName>ffc.xml   


    The URLs for the server should include the protocol (such as http://). If the port number is different from the default value of 80, the port number should also be specified.

    Check the firewall settings for the server if your verification on the client computer is not successful. 

Incremental sync

To set up your internal update server, you use the --fresh option that downloads all Adobe apps and updates from the Adobe Update server. However, this is usually a one-time operation that you perform when you first set up your update server. After this you want to get only new apps versions and updates.

To get an incremental update from the Adobe Update server, use the following command:


The following commands show only the mandatory options to set up your server.
For details of all the available command options, see the section Maintaining AUSST. Or, to quickly get started, see the commonly used AUSST commands in the Common use cases.


AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --incremental


AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --root="/Library/WebServer/Documents/ausst/" --incremental

To run this command at regular intervals, schedule a recurring job  - Using Task Scheduler for Windows or Crontab for macOS.


A full fresh sync requries approximately 600 GB (which may vary depending on the size of Adobe apps). Refer to the Common use cases section for a selective sync.

Set up clients to use the internal update server

After you have set up an internal update server to download Adobe apps and updates from the Adobe Update server, you still need to set up your end users to get their apps and updates from your internal update server.

For example, if end users use the Creative Cloud desktop app to get the latest version of an app, the app should not be downloaded and installed from the Adobe Update server. The app should be installed from your internal update server. If you are creating and deploying packages on your end-user computers, the installation of the apps in the packages should come from your internal update server.


When you migrate from one version of AUSST to another, run the following commands to re-generate the client configuration files and update these on the client computers.

Generate client configuration (.override) files

Client configuration(.override files) are required to create product groups.  Later you can deploy the generated client configuration(.override files) to the different groups of users. To generate the configuration files, enter the following command in a command shell or terminal (using your own server information):


You can generate client configuration files after you have set up your internal update server and synchronized it with the Adobe update server.

  1. Navigate to the folder in which you have downloaded the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool.

  2. Enter the following command in a command shell or terminal (using your own server information):

    • AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool --genclientconf="/serverroot/AdobeUpdaterClient" --root="/serverroot/updates/Adobe/CC" --url="http://<server name>"

    For example:

    AdobeUpdateServerSetupTool.exe --genclientconf="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates\config" --root="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\updates" --url=""


    • server root is path of the root folder
    • config is the folder for AUSST tool to generate the AdobeUpdaterClient configuration files
    • url is the valid http path of the root folder

    This command creates two client configuration files (one for Windows platform, and one for macOS platform), and in the following platform-specific folders under the path given in the --genclientconf option.



    The URLs for the server should include the protocol (such as http://). If the port number is different from the default value of 80, the port number should also be specified.

    In this example, the new files are:

    • ·Windows:
    • ·macOS:



<Application appID="webfeed">




<Application appID="updates">




<Application appID="webfeed20">








<Application appID="webfeed">




<Application appID="updates">




<Application appID="webfeed20">






Deploying client configuration files

There are two ways of deploying the client configuration files(.overrides).

1. By including .overrides in the package itself

When you create packages to deploy apps and updates to your end users, follow the given steps to include the client configuration files in the package.

  1. Log in to the Admin Console and navigate to Packages > Preferences.

  2. Open the AdobeUpdater.Overrides file in any text editor.  Copy and paste the entire contents of the file into the Internal Update Server box and click Save.

    AUSST allows redirection of all kinds of packages. 

    Internal update server preference

  3. AUSST allows redirection of all kinds of packages. To include overrides in your package, enable “Redirect to internal Adobe update server”. It will be deployed with package.

    NUL Managed Package
    Named user language Managed Package

    NUL Self service Package
    Named user language Self-Service Package

Now your packages are created, with the client configuration files.


When you deploy these packages on the end-user computers, the files are included as part of the deployment. Your end users computers are subsequently redirected to your internal update server for app and updates.

2. Manually placing .overrides files in the required directories

The alternative to applying the AUSST client configuration via installation package is to copy the file to each client computer to use your AUSST server for downloading updates instead of obtaining them from Adobe’s servers via the internet. Copy the .overrides file into the following locations depending on which operating system is installed, creating the relevant subdirectories if they are not already there. Restart the Creative Cloud Desktop application via ctrl+alt+R (Windows) or option+cmd+R (macOS) or reboot the client computer for the AUSST configuration to be applied.

Windows 7 or 10

  • %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Adobe\AAMUpdater\1.0\
  • %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\UpdaterResources


  • /Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdater/1.0/

Additional videos to setup the internal update server


The content and voice-over for this video is currently available in English only.

Set up the internal update server on Windows

Created by: Nikhil Gupta

Set up the internal update server on Mac

Created by: Nikhil Gupta

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