Unable to launch InDesign, InDesign Server, or InCopy


Sometimes, you may experience some access-related permission issues with the Preferences folder while launching InDesign. Following error messages are displayed indicating that InDesign, InDesign Server, or InCopy cannot be opened because the Preferences folder is read-only.

Permissions issue for InDesign on Windows
InDesign Windows

Permissions issue for InDesign on macOS
InDesign macOS

Permissions issue for InCopy on Windows

InCopy Windows

Permissions issue for InCopy on macOS

InCopy macOS

As the Preferences folder is not writeable, InDesign cannot start with the Preferences folder in a read-only state.

 In folder paths or names listed in the procedures, replace <user> with your account name and <product> with Adobe InDesign or Adobe InDesign Server or Adobe InCopy.

Solution 1: Set read-write permissions for Preferences folder using user interface

Follow the steps below to provide read and write permissions to Adobe folders:



Perform this procedure on each of the below folders:


  1. Open the File Explorer window. Click the View tab, and then select Hidden items.

  2. Navigate to the folders using the paths listed above.

  3. In File Explorer, right-click the folder InDesign and choose Properties.

  4. Click the Security tab, and then click Edit to set permissions.

  5. In the Permissions dialog, select your user name. In the Permissions area, uncheck the Deny option.

  6. Click OK and launch InDesign.

Perform this procedure on each of the below folders:

/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support

  1. Open Finder and navigate to the path listed above.

  2. Control-click the folder and choose Get Info.

  3. If the item is locked, click the lock icon to enter an administrator’s name and password.

  4. In the Sharing & Permissions section, from the Name column, select your name or a user profile.

  5. From the Privilege column, choose Read & Write.

  6. In any subsequent prompt, choose to apply permission to all subfolders.

  7. Click the lock icon to save your preferences, and launch InDesign.

Solution 2: [macOS only] Set read-write permissions for Preferences folder using terminal

Follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

  • Go to Terminal (Go > Utilities > Terminal.app)
  • Execute the following command on terminal to provide permission:
    • sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign
    • sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/<user>/Library/Caches/Adobe InDesign
    • sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support

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