Add and style page numbers

Learn how to add and style basic page numbering in Adobe InDesign.

Page numbers are a must while working on large documents. You can add a page number marker that updates automatically. As you add, remove, or rearrange pages in the document, the page number updates accordingly. You can also format and style page number markers.

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Add a page number marker to a parent page

Page number markers are commonly added to parent pages. When parent pages are applied to document pages, the page numbering updates automatically.

If the automatic page number is on a parent page, it displays the parent page prefix. On a document page, the automatic page number displays the page number. On a pasteboard, it displays PB.

Follow these steps to add a page number marked to a parent page:

  1. In the Pages panel, double-click the parent page where you want to add your page number.

  2. Create a text frame large enough to hold the longest page number and any text you want to appear next to it. Position the text frame where you want the page number to appear.

    If your document has facing pages, create separate text frames for the left and right parent pages.

  3. Select Type > Insert Special Character > Markers > Current Page Number.

  4. Apply parent page to the document pages where you want the page numbering.

Change the page numbering style

Use the Numbering & Section Options dialog box to change the page numbering style to use a different format. You can also use this dialog box to restart page numbering or to start page numbering at a number you specify.

  1. In the Pages panel, select the page where you want the new numbering style section to begin.

  2. Select Layout > Numbering & Section Options.

  3. Specify options from document numbering options, and then select OK.

Common page numbering tasks

InDesign offers several different features that help you create page numbering effects.

Add page numbering to documents in a book.

Add section numbers and chapter numbers.

Create running headers or running footers that use text variables such as the create date, filename, or the current heading or title.

Create a “Page x of y” effect in which x is the current page and y is the total number of pages.

Insert a Current Page Number marker for x, and insert the Last Page Number text variable for y (select Type > Text Variables > Insert Variable > Last Page Number).

Create a “Continued on page x” story jump.

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