Search options to find and replace

Learn how to optimize your workflow with the search options available in Adobe InDesign.

You can simplify content retrieval, streamline workflows, and boost productivity through efficient and intuitive search functionality.

Select any of the following options to customize your search criteria:

  • All Documents: Search in all open InDesign documents.
  • Document: Search the current document. This is the default option.
  • Story: Search all text in the currently selected frame, including text in other threaded text frames and overset text. You can view this option only if a text frame is selected or an insertion point is placed.
  • To End of Story: Search from the insertion point to the end of the text frame. This option appears only if an insertion point is placed.
  • Selection: Search only selected text. This option appears only if the text is selected.
Search options in Find/Change dialog
Search options in Find/Change dialog

You can also select the following icons to include specific document sections in your search.

  Include Locked Layers and Locked Objects (Find Only) icon

Searches for text on locked layers. However, you can only view the text and can’t replace it.

  Include Locked Stories (Find Only) icon

Searches for text in stories that have been checked out as part of an InCopy workflow. You can’t replace text in locked stories.

  Include Hidden Layers and Hidden Objects icon

Searches for text on hidden layers. When text on a hidden layer is found, you can view highlighting where the text appears, but you can’t view the text. You can replace text on hidden layers.

Text in a hidden condition is always omitted from searching.

  Include Parent Pages icon

Searches for text on parent pages.

  Include Footnotes icon

Searches footnote text.

  Case Sensitive icon

Searches for only the word or words that exactly match the capitalization of the text in the Find What field. For example, a search for PrePress won’t find Prepress, prepress, or PREPRESS.

  Whole Word icon

Disregards search characters if they’re part of another word. For example, if you search for any as a whole word, InDesign disregards many.

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