Import SVG files

Learn how to import SVG files in InDesign.

SVG file

InDesign now lets you import the SVG and SVGZ format files in InDesign and InCopy documents. Earlier, SVGs from CC libraries were imported as PNGs in InDesign.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a vector format that describes images as shapes, paths, text, and filter effects. The resulting files are compact and provide high-quality graphics on the web, in print, and even on resource-constrained handheld devices. 

Place the SVG file

  • To place the SVG file saved on your computer, choose File Place.
  • To place the SVG available in your CC Libraries, choose File Place from CC Libraries.

Export the SVG file

Export to EPUB and HTML using object export options

  • Choose Object > Object Export Options.
  • Open the EPUB and HTML tab.
  • When the SVG object is selected in the document, the Format value is displayed as SVG.
  • Select SVG Options as Embed Code or Object Tags.
    • Embed Code: Original XML code of SVG is added in the HTML or the ePub created from InDesign.
    • Object Tag: SVG is referenced in the Object tag in the HTML and the .svg file is saved in the resources folder.
Object Export Options

Preserve appearance from layout

Select one of the following options in the Preserve Appearance From Layout drop-down list:

Object Export Options

  • Default: SVG settings are picked up from the HTML or ePub Export dialog.
  • Use Existing Image for Graphic Objects: SVG is used in the exported dialog based on the Use SVG As specified option setting.
  • Rasterize Container and Rasterize Content: SVG is rasterized preserving the appearance in the layout based on the format selected in the Format drop-down list.

Export to HTML

  • Choose File > Export > HTML.
  • Open the Image tab.
  • Set the following SVG options in accordance with the selected Copy Images setting:
    • Original: Use SVG As options are enabled and you can select SVG Options as Embed Code or Object Tags.
    • Optimized
      • When the Preserve Appearance from Layout (for Graphic/Media objects) option is not selected: Use SVG As option is enabled and you can select SVG Options as Embed Code or Object Tags.
      • When the Preserve Appearance from Layout (for Graphic/Media objects) option is selected: Use SVG As options are disabled and SVGs in the document are rasterized based on the image format specified in the Image Conversion drop-down list.
HTML Export

Export to EPUB Reflowable Layout

  1. Choose File > Export > EPUB (Reflowable).
  2. Open the Object tab.
    • If the Preserve Appearance from Layout (for Graphic/Media objects) option is selected: The Use SVG As option is disabled and SVGs in the document are rasterized based on the format specified in the Image Conversion settings.
    • If the Use Existing Image for Graphic Objects option is selected: The Use SVG As option is enabled.
    • When both the above options are not selected: The Use SVG As option is enabled.
EPUB Reflowable Object Options

Export to EPUB Fixed Layout

The EPUB - Fixed Layout Export Options dialog does not include any options specific to SVGs. However, the SVG settings are picked up from the Object Export Options dialog.

Export to PDF (Print and Interactive) or Print Workflows

As SVG is a vector format, the native vector of SVG is exported to the PDF generated from InDesign. However, any interactivity or clipping mask or clipping paths is not supported.

Publish online

  • The SVG or SVGZ file is referenced in the <img> tag in the generated HTML.
  • Javascript is not supported, however, native SMIL animation is supported.

Preview SVG animations

You can import or place animated SVG files in InDesign. You can preview SVG animations in the EPUB Interactivity Preview Panel.

Choose Windows > Interactive > EPUB Interactivity Preview.

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