Publish online dashboard

View and manage your published documents with the Publish Online dashboard.

You can see your published files and analytics information of your online documents in the Publish Online Dashboard. Select FilePublish Online Dashboard, for Documents and Analytics (if enabled).

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In the Documents tab, you'll view the list of published documents, their Name, Measurement IDSharing settings, and the Date Modified information. You can sort your documents by their Name or Date Modified.

Overview of the documents in Publish Online dashboard
Documents in Publish Online dashboard

    Sort icon

Sorts your documents by NameModified, or Reverse Order.

    Thumbnail/List View icon

Toggles between Thumbnail View and List View.

   Measurement ID icon


  •   Public_Link: This shows that anyone with the link can access the document.
  •   Protected_Link: This shows that the document is password-protected. You need a password to access it.

    Share icon

Opens the Share Publication dialog with options to copy the URL or share the document on Facebook, Twitter, or email.

    More options icon

Provides Embed and Delete options.

  • Embed: Opens the Embed on your site dialog. Copy the code from the Embed code section to embed a document on your site.
  • Delete: Deletes the document. Hover on any document to see a check box on the left side. You can check multiple documents for bulk deletion.


When you embed a password-protected document with multiple pages, you'll need to re-enter the password each time you switch pages using the dropdown menu.

Google Analytics

Screenshot showing the Analytics tab highlighting the Measurement ID field, Enable cookie banner on my document checkbox, and the field to eneter the message for the cookie banner.
Enter the Measurement ID to integrate Google Analytics for a document you publish online.

Starting with InDesign 19.0, you can integrate Google Analytics with your published document.

  1. Open an InDesign document, and select File > Publish Online.

  2. Select the Analytics tab and enter the Measurement ID.

    You must generate a Measurement ID in Google Analytics to add it to the published document.

    Adobe does not receive any access or data from your Google Analytics account.

  3. You may optionally check the Enable cookie banner on my document to add a cookie banner. You can enter the text you want to display on your cookie banner. This text should vary depending on your cookie notice requirements. If enabled, your cookie banner will allow users to accept or reject the analytics collection associated with this document.

    Image showing the a published document with the Cookie banner.
    Enable the Cookie banner and add the text you want to display with the Cookie banner on the document.


    Analytics will be collected only if the visitor provides consent. Analytics displayed in the Google Tag Manager will reflect information from users who accepted the notice provided in the cookie banner.  

    When enabled, your cookie banner will only appear on your published document. After the banner is cleared, it will not reappear for one year.

    Cookie notice requirements vary by region, and you may optionally elect to include this depending on your data protection obligations.

  4. Select Publish.

    You can select Cancel Upload to stop the upload process or Close to minimize the dialog and continue working on other InDesign documents.

  5. Open Google Analytics to view the insights for your published documents.

Questions? We have answers

How do I integrate Google Analytics into my documents?

You can set up a free Analytics account at and then add your Measurement ID in the Analytics tab while publishing the InDesign document.

Is there any impact to the InDesign files?

No. There is no impact on your InDesign files.

Unable to capture analytics in a cross-domain environment?

Set up cross-domain measurement via Admin to configure your measurement ID.

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