Export to JPEG or PNG format

Learn to export a page, spread, or selected object into JPEG or PNG format.

The export feature in Adobe InDesign enables users to save their design projects in various file formats, making it easy to share and distribute their work across different platforms and devices. 

Use the Export command to export a page, spread, or selected object in JPEG or PNG format.

  1. Select an object on the page that you want to export. You can proceed without making a selection if you want to export a page or a spread.

  2. Select File > Export.

  3. Specify a location and a File name.

  4. Select JPEG or PNG in Save as type (Windows) or Format (macOS) and select Save.

    The Export dialog box appears.

Export options for JPEG and PNG format

JPEG is ideal for photos and complex images that offer compression to reduce file size. PNG is best for images with transparency or sharp edges. Both formats ensure compatibility as they are widely supported online and in various software that facilitates smooth sharing and viewing.

Two screens showing various options when you select export as JPEG or PNG format
JPEG and PNG export options

You can customize the following options based on your requirements:


Export the currently selected object.


Enter the number of the page or pages you want to export. Separate numbers in a range using a hyphen, and separate multiple pages or ranges using commas.


Export all pages in the documents.


Export facing pages to a single JPEG/ PNG file.


Export facing pages in a spread to a single JPEG/ PNG file. Deselect this option to export each page in a spread as a separate JPEG/PNG file.


Add a file name suffix like Incremental Numbers (^#), Page Number (^P), Page Size (^S), or a customized name for identification.


To ensure that files can be shared smoothly between macOS and Windows, we recommend neither the use of illegal or reserved characters in file/folder names nor in dynamic strings. InDesign has taken a superset of these characters “ \ / : * ? " < > |  “ (Windows and macOS), and they will be skipped in PNG, JPEG, and PDF export.


Select from a range of options that determine the trade-off between file compression (smaller file size) and image quality:

  • Maximum retains all high-resolution image data, consuming significant disk space. Select this for printing on high-res output devices.
  • Low includes screen-resolution (72 dpi) versions of images for onscreen display. Select this when the file is for onscreen viewing only.
  • Medium and High include more image data than Low but use varying levels of compression to reduce file size.

Format (JPEG only)

  • Progressive displays a JPEG image in increasing detail during download in a web browser.
  • Baseline displays a complete downloaded JPEG image.


Select or type the resolution for the exported JPEG/PNG image.

Color Space

Specify the color space of the exported file.

  • For JPEG- Select from RGB, CMYK, or Grey.
  • For PNG- Select from RGB and Grey.

Embed Color Profile (JPEG only)

Embed document's color profile in exported JPEG with profile name shown. Assign Profiles before exporting (Edit > Assign Profiles).

The Embed Color Profile option is disabled when you select Grey from the Color Space menu.

Transparent Background (PNG only)

Show a transparent background.


Smoothen the jagged edges of text and bitmap images.

Use Document Bleed Settings

Select this option to display the bleed area specified in Document Setup in the resulting JPEG or PNG.

Simulate Overprint

Select this option to export a JPEG/ PNG that simulates overprinting spot inks with varied neutral densities by converting spot colors to process colors for printing.

Include Hidden Spreads

Select this option if you want to export the hidden spreads along with the other spreads of the documents.

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