Check spelling, autocorrect, and dynamic spelling

Learn how to check spelling, autocorrect text while typing, use dynamic spellings, and set spelling preferences.

You can spell-check selected text, a story, a document, or all open documents, highlighting misspelled words, duplicates, and capitalization errors. You can use dynamic spelling to underline potential mistakes as you type.

In spell-check, the assigned language's dictionary is utilized, with an option to easily add new words.

Check spelling

  1. Select Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling.

    Spell-checking begins.

  2. Select any of the following from the Search dropdown to change the search range:

    • All Documents: Searched all open documents.
    • Document: Searches the selected document.
    • Story: Searches the selected frame, including text in other threaded text frames and overset text.
    • To End of Story: Searches from the selection point to the end of the story.
    • Selection: Searches only selected text. This option is available only if the text is selected.
  3. Select Start.

  4. Select a word from the Suggested Corrections section or type the correct word in the Change To field and then select Change or Change All to replace the highlighted word.

    Select Skip or Ignore All to continue without changing the highlighted word.

Autocorrect text as you type

InDesign can correct capitalization errors and common typing mistakes while you type. Create a list of commonly misspelled words and associate them with the correct spelling to start Autocorrect.

  1. Select Edit > Preferences > Autocorrect (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Autocorrect (macOS).

  2. Select Enable Autocorrect.

    Select Autocorrect Capitalization Errors to correct capitalization errors. You don’t need to add the capitalized words to the list of autocorrections.

  3. Select the language from the Language dropdown.

  4. Select Add, type the Misspelled Word and the Correction, and select OK to add a word you commonly misspell.

To start auto-correcting text for a specific section or document, select Edit > Spelling > Autocorrect.

Use dynamic spelling

You can correct spelling errors by using the context menu with Dynamic Spelling. Potentially misspelled words are underlined based on the dictionary of the text language. If you type text in different languages, select the text and assign the correct language.

  1. Select Edit > Spelling > Dynamic Spelling.

    Potentially misspelled words are underlined in your document.

  2. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (macOS) the underlined word to select the correct suggestion.

Set spelling preferences

  1. Select Edit > Preferences > Spelling (Windows) or InDesign > Preferences > Spelling (macOS).

  2. Check any or all of the following:

    • Misspelled Words: Find words that don't appear in the language dictionary.

    • Repeated Words: Find repeated words.

    • Uncapitalized Words: Find words (such as country names) that appear in the dictionary only as capitalized words.

    • Uncapitalized Sentences: Find uncapitalized words following periods, exclamation points, and question marks.

  3. Select Enable Dynamic Spelling to underline potentially misspelled words while you type.

  4. Specify the underline color of Misspelled Words, Repeated Words, Uncapitalized Words, and Uncapitalized Sentences.

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