Auto Style text

Learn how to Auto Style selected text, a single text frame, or multiple text frames in InDesign.

Whether you're new to InDesign or an expert, text styling can require lots of time and effort to get right. With Auto Style, you can apply, edit, and create Style Packs to streamline this process.


Auto Style is only available in English (International), English (North America), and German locales.

What is Auto Style?

Auto Style, powered by Adobe Sensei, helps style large documents effortlessly. It reads your text using Artificial Intelligence to identify elements such as Headings, Subheadings, Paragraphs, Bullets, etc. It subsequently applies styles to different sections based on your Style Pack selection.

Apply Auto Style to any text frame

Create your own Style Packs from new or existing Paragraph Styles.

  1. Select any text, a single text frame, or multiple text frames.

  2. Go to Paragraph Styles   panel > View Style Packs   icon and select any preset Style Pack.


You can also apply Auto Style by:

  • Selecting Type > Auto Style.
  • Selecting the Auto Style button from the Quick Actions section of the Properties panel.

This applies the default preset Style Pack or the last applied one to the selected text or text box.

Auto Style copied text

Do you like writing in Microsoft Word or another text editor? Or maybe you want to work with text from a web page? You can copy and paste text from other surfaces and Auto Style it with the Style Packs.

Image of copied text with the paste nudge.

  1. Copy and paste text from any other surface into your InDesign document. It needs to contain at least 1000 characters.

  2. Select the Paste text only       icon and then select Auto Style text   icon.

If you copy text into an existing text frame, the Paste text only       icon appears at the last line of the existing text. You can also copy and paste text from Illustrator or other applications.

Clipboard Handling

If you don't see the Auto Style text   icon, adjust your Clipboard Handling options.

  1. Go to EditPreferences > Clipboard Handling.

  2. Select Show Auto Style Option and then select OK.

  3. Copy and paste text from any other surface into your InDesign document. The copied text must contain at least 1000 characters to use the Auto Style feature.

    You can also use the Place option to import a text (.txt) file or a Microsoft Word document (.docx) into your InDesign document. The imported file must contain at least 1000 characters to use the Auto Style feature.

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