Find and replace glyphs

Learn how to find and replace glyphs within single or multiple documents.

The Find/Change dialog is handy for replacing glyphs that share the same Unicode value with other similar glyphs.

  1. Select Edit > Find/Change, and select the Glyph tab.

  2. Select the button beside the Find Glyph field, and then double-click a glyph on the panel. This panel works like the Glyphs panel.

  3. Under Change Glyph, enter the replacement glyph the same way you enter the glyph you’re searching for.

  4. Select Find Next.

    You can also select Change, Change All, or Change/Find to replace the found text.

Find and replace glyphs
Find and replace glyphs using Find/Change dialog


You can open the Find/Replace Font dialog while viewing a document's preflight. In the Preflight dialog, switch to the Fonts tab and select Find/Replace Font.

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