Use Adobe Capture extension in InDesign

Learn how to use Adobe Capture extension when working with InDesign.

With Adobe Capture extension within InDesign, you can capture any inspiring image of your liking and generate creative elements such as color themes, shapes, and type. You can save all your freshly created color themes, shapes, or type in the Creative Cloud library and access them anytime in the future for your projects.


Before you begin

Whether you are globe-trotting and clicking pictures on your camera, or at work in the studio, you can gather inspiration from the world around you and save it in your local drive as images. Later, import or place the saved image on an InDesign page.

Capture your inspiration and save the elements

Follow the steps below to capture the color themes, shapes, or type, and save them to the Creative Cloud library.

1. Open the Capture panel using any of the following:

  • Select Object > Extract from Image, and choose from Color Themes, Shapes, or Type.
  • Right-click an image, select Extract from Image and choose from the options.
  • Open the CC libraries panel (Window > CC Libraries), choose a library and click +, select Extract from Image and choose from the options.

Color Themes

Generate a color palette using the colors in the image.

1. Customize the palette using one of the following:

  • Moving the round selectors on the image
  • Using options under Color Mood

2. Click Save to CC libraries to save the theme.


Convert the selected image to a vector graphic in black and white.

1. In the right pane, under SHAPE, do the following:

  • Detail: Drag the slider to adjust the amount of detail you would like to see in the vector image.
  • Invert: Choose this option if you want to reverse the black and white areas
  • Smooth on Save: Use this option if you would like the vector image to be smoothened before saving.
  • Use the Eraser icon to delete areas of your image.

2. Click Save to CC libraries to save the shapes.


Identify the closest font match from Adobe Fonts for the selected text in your image. When you select a font, it is auto-activated from Adobe Font for use.

  1. Isolate a letter or block of text using the crop handles.
  2. Pick the font type that you like and play around with Sample Text to get a feel of the font type across various texts.
  3. Use the Edit feature to play around with font properties: leading and tracking, font size, and style, by using the slider controls.
  4. Click Save to CC Libraries to save the new font type as a character or paragraph style into your libraries.

Accessing your new design elements

All the old design elements and the freshly created ones are saved and readily available in the Creative Cloud library. A new user can directly access the existing designs for a quick job or go creating new designs as we've done in the steps above.

What's next?

We've got you started with using the Adobe Capture extension in your InDesign designs. Take a step forward and start using the Adobe Capture mobile app for free. 

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