Measure objects using the Measure tool

Achieve precise placement and layout in your design with the Measure tool.

Use the Measure   tool to measure the distance and angle between two points and create proportionate designs.


Measure tool

The Measure   tool calculates the distance between any two points in the document window.

Measure the distance between two points

  1. Select the Measure   tool.

  2. Drag from the start point to the endpoint that you want to measure. Shift-drag to constrain the tool’s motion to multiples of 45 degrees.

Measure angles

  1. Select the Measure   tool.

  2. To measure an angle from the x-axis, drag the tool.

  3. To measure a custom angle, drag to create the first line of the angle. Position the tool over either endpoint of the measuring line. To create the second line of the angle, press Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) and drag.

  4. When you measure a custom angle, the Info panel shows the length of the first line as D1 and the length of the second line as D2.

After you use the Measure   tool to measure an item, the line or lines remain visible until you take another measurement or select a different tool.

Info panel

When you measure from one point to another, the distance measured is displayed in the Info panel. To display the Info panel, go to Window Info. All measurements except the angle are calculated in the units of measurement currently set for the document.

The Info panel displays essential details about the currently selected object or text, such as its size, position, color value, and rotation angle. It also shows the number of characters, words, and lines for selected text. When you move an object, the Info panel displays its position relative to its starting point as well. You cannot enter or edit values in the Info panel.

Info panel in InDesign
Info panel

A. Width and Height in current units B. Info panel menu C. Degree of rotation D. Stroke color information E. Fill color information F. Distance an object or tool has moved relative to its starting position G. Horizontal (X), and Vertical (Y) position of the cursor  

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