Find and replace text

Learn how to find and replace text within single or multiple documents.

You can find and change the plain and formatted text within a single InDesign document or multiple documents. Do you want to search for text with specific formatting attributes?

  1. Select Edit > Find/Change.

  2. Select the Text tab and type your search text in the Find What field.

    To find and replace specific format attributes, keep the Find what and Change To fields blank.

  3. Select the Specify attributes to find   icon in the Find Format section.

  4. In the Find Format Settings dialog, select a type of formatting, specify the format attributes, and select OK.

  5. Select the Specify attributes to change   icon in the Change Format section. Then select a type of formatting, specify the format attributes, and select OK.


    You can now view a new Change Case section in the Change Format Settings panel.

    Screenshot of the Change Format Settings panel with the Change Case tab highlighted.
    Select from the Change Case options to alter the text case of searched text.

  6. Select Find Next.

    Select Change, Change All, or Change/Find to replace the found text.


If you want to list, find, and replace fonts in your document, you can use Find/Replace Font.

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