Adobe Primetime Ad Insertion and Ad Transcoding | Product description

Last updated: August 12, 2015

What is Adobe Primetime Ad Insertion and Ad Transcoding?

Adobe Primetime Ad Insertion is a service that enables video publishers to stitch ads into live, simulcast, and video-on-demand content streams while preserving individual targeting and dynamic decisioning. Ad Transcoding is a service that will reformat and configure Ads to enable them to be inserted into the content for a given platform or player.


License Metric


Adobe Primetime Ad Insertion and Ad Transcoding

Active Device, Impression, or Stream

On-demand Service


Active Device means a device that is counted the first time a unique user starts to view Customer Content via a Customer Player on a device.

Impression means a single instance of a pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, overlay or other linear advertisement displayed in or adjacent to Customer Content or a Customer Player via Primetime Ad Insertion. 

Stream means:

(A) each time a Content User initiates playback to view Ads or Customer Content via a Video Player; or

(B) each viewing interval of up to 30 minutes that has elapsed since a new Stream has been counted for the same piece of Customer Content or Ad.  For example, if a Content User watches a feed for 85 minutes, the Content User has watched 3 Streams.

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