In the team admin console, go to the Administrators tab under Admin Tools section and ensure that the user is on the list of administrators. Learn how to add administrators in the team admin console.
If you have purchased Adobe Sign for teams plan, you must use the team admin console to manage users and entitlements associated with them. You can also assign multiple administrators to help manage your team or the functional behavior of Adobe Sign. For more information, see Manage Administrators.
Getting Started
To administer Adobe Sign for your team, a user must be an administrator as well as an end-user with an active license.
Go to Active Users tab under Named-user Licenses section and ensure that the user has an active license assigned. Learn how to assign licenses to users in the team admin console.
Adobe Sign Administration Access
You can access Adobe Sign administration (Account tab within Adobe Sign web app) in two ways:
On the team admin console, go to Deployment Tools > Adobe Sign tab and click on Login to Adobe Sign link under Step 3 - Configure.
In a new browser tab, you will be redirected to Adobe Sign Administration.
Go to Adobe Sign Administration and sign in using your Adobe ID.
Add Adobe Sign Administrators
You can assign Adobe Sign administrator privileges in two ways:
a) Assign an Adobe Sign for team license to an end-user through the team admin console and once he accepts the invitation, he becomes an active user. Then, add this end-user to the list of administrators through the “Administrators” tab.
b) Through Adobe Sign administration console (Account tab within Adobe Sign web app)
Sign in to Adobe Sign Administration.
Go to the User List within Adobe Sign which shows a full list of users included in the entitlement for the product.
Select a user and then click Edit User.
Enable the account administrator or product administrator settings.
Click Save.

Revoke Adobe Sign Administrator Rights
If an Adobe Sign administrator received administrative rights via team admin console, you can do one of the following to revoke the Adobe Sign administrator rights for the user:
- Remove the user from the Administrators tab within team admin console. Then, also remove the user's Adobe Sign administration rights using the Adobe Sign administration console. This user can still use Adobe Sign for teams, but does not have Adobe Sign administration rights.
- Remove the user from All licenses or Active Users tab. This user cannot use Adobe Sign, and therefore does not have feature administration rights.
If the Adobe Sign administrator received administration rights via the Adobe Sign administration area, you can revoke administration privileges by disabling the account administrator or group administrator user settings.
To learn more about the features that a team admin can customize for his end users, please refer to this page.
Error When Admin Assigns Seat to a User
There are certain cases that can prevent an admin from successfully delegating an Adobe Sign for teams seat to an end user through team admin console. A team admin might encounter an error like "This user cannot be assigned a new Adobe Sign license...".
The admin has two options if he encounters this message:
Contact Adobe Support.
Try delegating again using a different end user email address.