When you select any clothing region in the Editor panel, the substance tray at the bottom of the canvas becomes active. The substance tray displays a library of material substances that you can choose for the selected clothing region. When you choose a substance, the region area in the Editor panel automatically expands to display the texture parameters for customizing that specific substance. Each substance has a unique set of texture parameters; you can use the same substance in different regions with different texture settings.
Copy and Paste texture settings
You can quickly make matching areas across multiple clothing regions or assets using the Copy and Paste feature available in the Editor panel. For example, copying the texture settings from the pants to the top to have a matching set.
Copy Copies the current substance and its settings from your active region.
Paste Pastes the copied substance and its settings into your active region.
Rename a clothing region
In the Editor panel, use the Rename option to set a new name for the selected clothing region.
Note: Renaming is only for the Presets and does not save on the default item.