Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the
- „Creative Cloud“ bandomosios versijos pakeitimas į mokamą narystę
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- Darbo bendrinimas komentavimui
- Kodėl nematau savo dokumentų debesyje neprisijungęs?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Bendradarbiavimas naudojant „Creative Cloud Libraries“ ir aplankus
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- „Creative Cloud“ sinchronizuotų failų paslaugos teikimo nutraukimas
- Sinchronizuotų failų ir turinio atsisiuntimas
- „Creative Cloud“ vartotojo vadovas
- „Creative Cloud“ įvadas
- Atsisiuntimas, įdiegimas, sąranką ir naujinimas
Paskyros valdymas
- „Creative Cloud“ bandomosios versijos pakeitimas į mokamą narystę
- „Adobe“ slaptažodžio nustatymas iš naujo
- Jūsų „Adobe“ plano keitimas
- Kredito kortelės ir adreso sąskaitoms siųsti atnaujinimas
- „Adobe“ sąskaitos-faktūros peržiūra, atsisiuntimas arba siuntimas el. paštu
- Nepavykusio arba praleisto mokėjimo ištaisymas
- „Adobe“ bandomosios versijos arba prenumeratos atšaukimas
- Raskite nemokamų ir nebetiekiamų produktų palaikymą
Bendradarbiavimo ir saugojimo paslaugos
- Kas yra dokumentai debesyje?
- DUK apie dokumentus debesyje
- Failų kūrimas arba konvertavimas į dokumentus debesyje
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- Ankstesnės dokumento debesyje versijos grąžinimas
- Darbo bendrinimas komentavimui
- Kodėl nematau savo dokumentų debesyje neprisijungęs?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Bendradarbiavimas naudojant „Creative Cloud Libraries“ ir aplankus
- Bendradarbiavimo DUK
- Failų sinchronizavimas naudojant saugyklą debesyje
- Sužinokite, kiek saugyklos debesyje turite
- Sinchronizavimo parinkčių nustatymas
- „Creative Cloud“ sinchronizuotų failų paslaugos teikimo nutraukimas
- Sinchronizuotų failų ir turinio atsisiuntimas
- Projektai
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- „Creative Cloud“ programos mobiliesiems
- Įmonės ir komandos
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Access your own fonts across Adobe apps and other desktop applications (such as Microsoft Office) and then use them in your creative designs and projects.
Before you begin
When adding your font files, ensure that:
- The file size doesn't exceed 512 MB.
- The font is either a TrueType (.ttf) font or an OpenType® (.otf) font.
- You have the rights and licenses to use the uploaded fonts.
To learn more about how Creative Cloud manages the fonts you upload, see Font usage and rights.
Make your fonts available in Creative Cloud apps
Upload your fonts to the Creative Cloud desktop app to use them across Adobe apps and other desktop applications.
Enterprise user? With an enterprise subscription only admins can upload the fonts. As an end-user you can only use the custom fonts that your admin has shared. (If you are an admin, see Upload and share custom fonts with enterprise users.)
Select the fonts icon
in the upper right.
The Adobe fonts window opens. The Adobe fonts window opens. -
Select Uploaded fonts in the left sidebar.
The Upload fonts to Creative Cloud window opens. The Upload fonts to Creative Cloud window opens. -
Select fonts from your desktop to add them, or simply drag them to the space provided. (If you've already used this feature, select Add more to add more fonts.)
You can upload more fonts by selecting Add more. Also, Creative Cloud allows you to upload multiple font files at once. You can upload more fonts by selecting Add more. Also, Creative Cloud allows you to upload multiple font files at once. -
Confirm that you have the rights and licenses to use the uploaded fonts and select Add.
The font file has been uploaded successfully. The font file has been uploaded successfully. The font file has been uploaded successfully. The font file has been uploaded successfully. -
Select Add.
Select Done to apply your changes.
Your fonts are available to use in your Creative Cloud apps.
How to remove your fonts
If you remove any of the added fonts, assets created with the removed font will still feature them.
Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the
icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)
Select the fonts icon
in the upper right.
The Adobe fonts window opens. The Adobe fonts window opens. -
Select Uploaded fonts in the left sidebar.
The Upload fonts to Creative Cloud window opens. The Upload fonts to Creative Cloud window opens. -
Select a font, and then select Remove.
The uploaded font is removed successfully. The uploaded font is removed successfully. -
Confirm that you want to remove the font. Once done, your font is no longer available for use.
Font usage and rights
Read and understand the end user license agreement (EULA) that describes the permitted rights and uses for your font. Avoid any feature or workflow that violates your EULA—or abstain from using this feature entirely. To help you decide, here are some of the ways that fonts are managed when they are added to Creative Cloud with this feature:
Adobe will not modify the font, but we will store it in Creative Cloud and may make and distribute copies for your use on computers and other devices where you log in with your Adobe ID. Through Creative Cloud, you can select your font from the Fonts menu in Adobe applications and services for desktop publishing — as if you had installed the font yourself.
Your desktop font EULA may prohibit some uses. For example:
Embedding the font in a PDF or an ebook,
Using the font in work meant to be distributed for commercial purposes
Copying the fonts for storage or distribution with the Package feature
You can also upload the font to Adobe Express to use on a public webpage. A separate license is required for desktop and web use of fonts. Ensure you have a web license and accompanying EULA if you intend to use an uploaded font on your webpage.
If you are unsure if your EULA permits adding a font to Creative Cloud and its use through this feature, contact the foundry, designer, or reseller from whom you purchased the font.