Acrobat's user interface is not visible on launch | Mac

Problem: Acrobat UI is not visible on launch, on Mac

When you try to open a document in Acrobat on Mac, the Acrobat's icon is displayed in the dock, but the user interface is not visible.

Possible reason: If you're using multiple monitors, you may see this problem.

Workaround: Select Zoom from the Acrobat's Window menu or remove external monitors

To resolve the problem, try one of the following workarounds in the order they appear below.

Workaround 1: Select Zoom from the Acrobat's Window menu

  1. Open a PDF in Acrobat. Acrobat's icon is displayed in the dock.

    Acrobat's icon in the dock

  2. Acrobat menus are displayed at the top, such as File, View, Edit, Window, and Help.

    Acrobat's menu

  3. On the Window menu, click Zoom.

    The Window menu

    The Acrobat user interface is displayed in the foreground.

Workaround 2: Remove external monitors

  • Remove all the external monitors. The Acrobat user interface is displayed in the foreground.

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