- Reduce noise
- Select object
- Candid Moments
- Color Match
- Smart Trim
- Change clip speed and duration
- Split clips
- Freeze and hold frames
- Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
- Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
- Replace footage
- Working with source clips
- Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
- Trim clips
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Artistic effects
- Effects reference
- Applying and removing effects
- Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
- Time remapping - Guided edit
- Effects basics
- Working with effect presets
- Finding and organizing effects
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Best practices to create a time-lapse video
- Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
- Transparency and superimposing
- Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
- Apply an Effects Mask to your video
- Adjust temperature and tint
- Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
- Create a picture-in-picture overlay
- Applying effects using Adjustment layers
- Adding Title to your movie
- Removing haze
- Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
- Create a Vignetting effect
- Add a Split Tone Effect
- Add FilmLooks effects
- Add an HSL Tuner effect
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Animated Sky - Guided edit
- Select object
- Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
- Double exposure- Guided Edit
- Creating titles
- Adding shapes and images to titles
- Adding color and shadows to titles
- Apply Gradients
- Create Titles and MOGRTs
- Add responsive design
- Editing and formatting text
- Align and transform objects
- Motion Titles
- Appearance of text and shapes
- Exporting and importing titles
- Arranging objects in titles
- Designing titles for TV
- Applying styles to text and graphics
- Adding a video in the title
- Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide
- Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements
- Workspace and workflow
- Working with projects
- Importing and adding media
- Arranging clips
Editing clips
- Reduce noise
- Select object
- Candid Moments
- Color Match
- Smart Trim
- Change clip speed and duration
- Split clips
- Freeze and hold frames
- Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
- Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
- Replace footage
- Working with source clips
- Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
- Trim clips
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Artistic effects
- Color Correction and Grading
- Applying transitions
Applying special effects
- Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
- Transparency and superimposing
- Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
- Apply an Effects Mask to your video
- Adjust temperature and tint
- Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
- Create a picture-in-picture overlay
- Applying effects using Adjustment layers
- Adding Title to your movie
- Removing haze
- Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
- Create a Vignetting effect
- Add a Split Tone Effect
- Add FilmLooks effects
- Add an HSL Tuner effect
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Animated Sky - Guided edit
- Select object
- Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
- Double exposure- Guided Edit
- Special audio effects
Movie titles
- Creating titles
- Adding shapes and images to titles
- Adding color and shadows to titles
- Apply Gradients
- Create Titles and MOGRTs
- Add responsive design
- Editing and formatting text
- Align and transform objects
- Motion Titles
- Appearance of text and shapes
- Exporting and importing titles
- Arranging objects in titles
- Designing titles for TV
- Applying styles to text and graphics
- Adding a video in the title
- Disc menus
- Sharing and exporting your movies
还可以使用效果来旋转剪辑或为剪辑设置动画,或者调整其在帧中的大小和位置。Premiere Elements 还包括了多种预设的效果,可用于快速更改您的素材。大多数效果都有可调整的属性。不过,某些效果(如“黑白”)没有可调整的属性。
当应用主题或创建即时影片项目时,Adobe Premiere Elements 会自动为剪辑应用效果。
注意:“平衡”选项在 5.1 声道项目中不可用。
除了 Premiere Elements 中包括的许多效果以外,您还可以使用来自其他来源的效果。可以从 Adobe 网站上的 Adobe 商店或第三方供应商那里购买效果(以增效工具的形式)。
如果项目中包含 Premiere Elements 不包括的效果,而您想在另一台计算机上的 Premiere Elements 中打开此项目,则必须在另一台计算机中安装那些效果。当打开的项目引用缺少的效果时,Premiere Elements 会从该项目中删除相应的效果。
虚拟 Studio 技术 (VST) 效果可向音频剪辑中添加有趣的品质。如果您拥有第三方 VST 效果,则可以像使用标准音频和视频效果那样应用并编辑这些效果。Premiere Elements 会检测到您已安装的任何兼容 VST 增效工具,并将它们添加到“效果”面板中。
某些第三方 VST 效果提供了独特的控制接口。增效工具开发商负责开发控制版面和处理音频。Premiere Elements 仅提供效果控件和结果。
要使用第三方效果,请将效果增效工具复制到 Premiere Elements/Plug‑ins/[位置] 文件夹中,并重新启动该程序。