- Reduce noise
- Select object
- Candid Moments
- Color Match
- Smart Trim
- Change clip speed and duration
- Split clips
- Freeze and hold frames
- Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
- Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
- Replace footage
- Working with source clips
- Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
- Trim clips
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Artistic effects
- Effects reference
- Applying and removing effects
- Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
- Time remapping - Guided edit
- Effects basics
- Working with effect presets
- Finding and organizing effects
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Best practices to create a time-lapse video
- Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
- Transparency and superimposing
- Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
- Apply an Effects Mask to your video
- Adjust temperature and tint
- Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
- Create a picture-in-picture overlay
- Applying effects using Adjustment layers
- Adding Title to your movie
- Removing haze
- Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
- Create a Vignetting effect
- Add a Split Tone Effect
- Add FilmLooks effects
- Add an HSL Tuner effect
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Animated Sky - Guided edit
- Select object
- Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
- Double exposure- Guided Edit
- Creating titles
- Adding shapes and images to titles
- Adding color and shadows to titles
- Apply Gradients
- Create Titles and MOGRTs
- Add responsive design
- Editing and formatting text
- Align and transform objects
- Motion Titles
- Appearance of text and shapes
- Exporting and importing titles
- Arranging objects in titles
- Designing titles for TV
- Applying styles to text and graphics
- Adding a video in the title
- Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide
- Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements
- Working with projects
- Importing and adding media
- Arranging clips
Editing clips
- Reduce noise
- Select object
- Candid Moments
- Color Match
- Smart Trim
- Change clip speed and duration
- Split clips
- Freeze and hold frames
- Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
- Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
- Replace footage
- Working with source clips
- Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
- Trim clips
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Artistic effects
- Color Correction and Grading
- Applying transitions
Special effects basics
- Effects reference
- Applying and removing effects
- Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
- Time remapping - Guided edit
- Effects basics
- Working with effect presets
- Finding and organizing effects
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Best practices to create a time-lapse video
Applying special effects
- Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
- Transparency and superimposing
- Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
- Apply an Effects Mask to your video
- Adjust temperature and tint
- Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
- Create a picture-in-picture overlay
- Applying effects using Adjustment layers
- Adding Title to your movie
- Removing haze
- Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
- Create a Vignetting effect
- Add a Split Tone Effect
- Add FilmLooks effects
- Add an HSL Tuner effect
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Animated Sky - Guided edit
- Select object
- Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
- Double exposure- Guided Edit
- Special audio effects
Movie titles
- Creating titles
- Adding shapes and images to titles
- Adding color and shadows to titles
- Apply Gradients
- Create Titles and MOGRTs
- Add responsive design
- Editing and formatting text
- Align and transform objects
- Motion Titles
- Appearance of text and shapes
- Exporting and importing titles
- Arranging objects in titles
- Designing titles for TV
- Applying styles to text and graphics
- Adding a video in the title
- Disc menus
- Sharing and exporting your movies
从确定过渡的默认长度到设置用户界面的亮度,您都可以自定义 Premiere Elements 的外观和行为。其中大部分首选项一直有效,直至更改它们。但是,为暂存盘设置的首选项将随项目一起保存。每当您打开一个项目时,它都会自动默认为您在设置该项目时为其选择的暂存盘。
- 要打开“首选项”对话框,请选择“编辑”>“首选项”(Windows),或“Premiere Elements”>“首选项”(Mac OS),然后选择要更改的首选项类别。
- 要恢复默认首选项设置,请在应用程序启动时按住 Alt (Windows) 或 Option (Mac OS) 键。出现启动画面时,可以松开 Alt 键或 Option 键。
- 要同时恢复默认首选项设置和增效工具缓存,请在应用程序启动时按住 Shift-Alt (Windows) 或 Shift-Option (Mac OS) 键。出现启动画面时,松开 Shift-Alt 键或 Shift-Option 键。
对于 Windows:<驱动器> \Users\ <用户名> \AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements
对于 Mac OS:<驱动器> /Users/ <用户名> Library/Preferences/com.adobe.AdobePremiereElements.plist
- 利用“页面滚动”可在播放指示器移出屏幕后,将时间轴自动移动至新视图。选择此选项可确保回放连续而不会停止。
- 选择“平滑滚动”,可让播放头保持在屏幕中间,而剪辑和时间标尺则发生移动。
- 不滚动:不滚动专家视图时间轴。
- 页面滚动:滚动专家视图时间轴的可见部分,一次一页。
- 平滑滚动:滚动专家视图时间轴,而当前时间指示器停留在可见时间轴的中心。
硬件加速 在具有 Intel HD Graphics 2000 及更高版本的计算机上,您可以针对渲染、播放和导出启用硬件加速。
- 选择“编辑”>“首选项”>“常规”。
- 清除“对渲染、播放和导出使用硬件加速(Intel HD Graphics 2000 及更高版本)”复选框。
仅在大于指定值的间隔处创建关键帧。输入介于 1 至 2000 毫秒之间的值。
在“首选项”对话框的“音频硬件”窗格中,指定计算机音频设备和设置,包括 ASIO 设置(仅限 Windows),或 Premiere Elements 用于录制音频的缓冲区大小设置(仅限 Mac OS)。
默认情况下,Premiere Elements 会每 15 分钟自动保存一次项目,并将项目文件的 5 个最近版本保留在硬盘上。
您可以随时还原到以前保存的版本。存档项目的多个迭代所占用的磁盘空间相对很少,因为项目文件比源音频文件小很多。最好将项目文件保存到应用程序所在的驱动器上。存档文件将保存在 Premiere Pro 的“自动保存”文件夹中。
输入要保存的项目文件的版本数。例如,如果键入 10,Premiere Elements 将保存最近 10 个版本。
如果指定按定期间隔进行自动保存,Premiere Elements 会在检测到对项目文件的更改时自动保存项目。
不管您是否手动保存对项目的更改,系统都会进行自动保存。而在以前的版本中,如果您在间隔设置内进行了手动保存,Premiere Elements 便不会执行自动保存。如果系统进入闲置状态的时间超过间隔设置,Premiere Elements 会强制进行自动保存。
控制 Premiere Elements 直接从磁带盒或摄像机传输视频和音频的方式。(任何其他项目设置选项都不影响捕捉。)此面板的内容取决于编辑模式。如果您捕捉的是 DV 素材,可使用默认 DV 捕捉设置。当选择“DV/IEEE 1394 捕捉”捕捉格式时,将没有可用的选项,因为选项已自动设置为 IEEE 1394 标准。如果您安装其他软件,例如,捕捉卡附带的已验证与 Premiere Elements 兼容的软件,则会出现其他捕捉格式和选项。
对于 P2 DVCPRO 50 和 P2 DVCPRO HD 项目,不涉及“捕捉格式”设置,因为摄像机会将资源作为数字文件直接捕捉并录制到 P2 卡上。
在“首选项”对话框的“设备控制”窗格中,可指定 Premiere Elements 用来控制回放/录制设备(如 VTR 或摄像机)的设置。
Premiere Elements 会创建许多项目中要用到的中间文件。它们称为“媒体缓存”。
在“首选项”对话框的“字幕”窗格中,可以更改 Premiere Elements 在“字幕样式色板”面板和字体浏览器中显示的字符。