Indexing modes

Using ColdFusion ORM, you can perform indexing either automatically or in offline mode.


Indexing is performed every time an entity is added, revised, or deleted from the database.
To enable auto-indexing, set  ormsettings .searchenabled to true in the Application.cfc. 
Indexing is automatically done whenever an ORM entity is persisted, based on the configuration in CFCs. For details, see Specify the ORM search settings in Indexing the persistent entity.

Offline indexing

Indexing is performed manually with the help of ColdFusion functions. In this mode, indexing is performed in batches.
You may want to perform offline indexing in the following scenarios:

  • Index all or some of the pre-existing data in a database.
  • Avoid in-request indexing (default behavior) to minimize CPU load, and later perform indexing as batch operation.
    The function ORMIndex lets you perform offline indexing.

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