

 gc() : Object



Forces collection and elimination of all server resources that are no longer used, such as closed streams, instances of applications, and nonpersistent shared objects. This operation is performed within about one second of the call.

You must be a server administrator to perform this operation.


Flash Communication Server 1.0.



A String indicating the user name of the administrator.


A String indicating the password of the administrator.



If the call succeeds, the server sends a reply information object with a level property of status and a code property of NetConnection.Call.Success.

If the call fails, the server sends a reply information object with a level property of error and a code property of NetConnection.Admin.CommandFailed or a more specific value, if available. Some objects might also have a description property that contains a string describing the cause of the failure.


A call returns XML with the following structure:

 <result>   <level></level>   <code></code>   <timestamp></timestamp>  </result>

The XML elements contain the same information as the Object properties returned in an RTMP/E call. Some XML might also have a description element that contains a string describing the cause of the failure.

Note: The timestamp response over HTTP is formatted differently on Windows (9/23/2007 6:16:40 PM) and Linux (Sun 23 Sep 2007 06:16:40 PM IST).

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