

 getMsgCacheStats() : Object


Returns server TCMessage cache statistics. You must be a server administrator to perform this command.


Flash Communication Server 1.0.



A String indicating the user name of the administrator.


A String indicating the password of the administrator.



If the call succeeds, the server sends a reply information object with a level property of status, a code property of NetConnection.Call.Success, and a data property that is an object. The data object has the following message cache statistics:




Number; total number of message objects allocated.


Number; total number of objects used.


Number; current size.


Total number of per-thread pools in use.


Object with the following properties:

global_size The size of the global pool that is available.

thread_size The total size of the per-thread pool that is available.

size The total size of the global and per-thread pool that is available.

reused The total number of messages reused.

allocated The total number of messages allocated from the heap.

released The total number of messages released back to the heap.

relocated The total number of messages that have been reallocated.

bulk_allocated The total number of messages allocated from the global pool.

bulk_released The total number of messages released back to the global pool.

huge_allocated The total number of huge messages (greater than 16 kilobytes) allocated.

huge_released The total number of huge messages (greater than 16 kilobytes) released.


Object with the following properties:

global_size The size of the global pool that is available.

thread_size The total size of the per-thread pool that is available.

size_total The size of the global and per-thread pool that is available.

reused The total number of bytes reused.

allocated The total number of bytes allocated from the heap.

released The total number of bytes released back to the heap.

relocated The total number of bytes that have been reallocated.

bulk_allocated The total number of bytes allocated from the global pool.

bulk_released  The total number of bytes released back to the global pool.

huge_allocated The total number huge messages (greater than 16 kilobytes) allocated in bytes.

huge_released The total number of huge messages (greater than 16 kilobytes) released in bytes.


If the call succeeds, it returns XML with the following structure:

 <result>   <level></level>   <code></code>   <timestamp></timestamp>   <data></data>  </result>

Nested in the data element are elements for each property of the data object listed in the RTMP/E section.

If the call fails, it returns XML with the following structure:

 <result>   <level></level>   <code></code>   <description></description>   <timestamp></timestamp>  </result>

The XML elements contain the same information as the Object properties returned in an RTMP/E call.

Note: The timestamp response over HTTP is formatted differently on Windows (9/23/2007 6:16:40 PM) and Linux (Sun 23 Sep 2007 06:16:40 PM IST).

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