If it's running, quit the Creative Suite 5 product.
Last updated on
Apr 27, 2021
Also applies to Adobe After Effects CS5, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Adobe Fireworks CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe InCopy CS5, Adobe InDesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, Contribute CS5, Creative Suite CS5, Encore CS5, Flash Catalyst CS5, Flash Professional CS5, OnLocation CS, Photoshop Extended, Soundbooth
When you launch a Creative Suite 5 product, the error "Error #-5000 while verifying your authorization" occurs. The application sometimes continues to launch in the background and partially function.
Verify permissions for your user folder.
In Finder, navigate to /Users/.
Control + click the <username> folder and select Get Info.
Expand Sharing and Permissions.
Click the Lock icon at the lower-right corner of the panel.
When prompted, enter your user's password.
Click the Plus icon, and select your user's name.
Select Read & Write privileges from your user's privilege pop-up menu.
Click the Lock icon and close the Info dialog.
Launch the Creative Suite 5 product again.
Still need help?
For additional launch troubleshooting steps, see "Troubleshoot launch issues or problems -- Adobe Creative Suite 5 products" (cpsid_83223).