Java Runtime Environment (JRE) security concerns for Adobe CS5 products on Windows


Adobe Creative Suite 5 products install their own instances of Sun/Oracle's Java Runtime (JRE). The version installed is the latest version that was available for testing for the CS5 development schedule. Sun/Oracle frequently release updates to their JRE to address security concerns. Adobe does not automatically update its JRE instances to these new versions. It is possible to manually replace Adobe JRE instances with the contents from the latest JRE release from Sun/Oracle using the steps below as an example.


Note: Because use of the CS5 products with the newer JRE versions is untested, their use is not a supported configuration. If you find an issue with the new instance, which is resolved by restoring the original installed JRE instance, Adobe would like to hear about it. However, Adobe cannot guarantee resolution.

  1. Install the latest JRE download for Windows from
  2. Quit all Adobe applications from the task bar.
  3. Check the System Tray for Adobe Bridge, or any other Adobe process and quit those processes as well.
  4. Launch the Windows Task Manager and ensure that the CS5ServiceManager task is not running. If it is, quit it also.
  5. Locate the Adobe CS5 JRE folder. The standard location for the Adobe CS5 JRE is:
C:\Users\All Users\Adobe\CS5\jre.
  6. Rename the Adobe CS5 JRE folder; for example, "jre_old."
  7. Copy the System JRE instance installed in Step 1. The default location for the System JRE instance is:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
  8. Paste the copied folder into C:\Users\All Users\Adobe\CS5.
  9. Rename the folder pasted in step 8 to "jre" so that it is now C:\Users\All Users\Adobe\CS5\jre.

Additional information

To confirm the version of JRE installed in a particular location, do the following:

Note: Adobe CS5 JRE location is used as an example. You can repeat these steps with that location, and the system JRE location to confirm that they are the same.

  1. Choose Start (then Run, for XP only), type "cmd.exe" and press Return.
  2. Type "cd C:/Users/All Users/Adobe/CS5/jre/bin" and press Return.
  3. Type "java -version" and press return.

Look for a line that reads Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment. For example, "Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07)" is the return from the most recent version available at the time this article was written.





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