Adobe SiteCatalyst and Test&Target extensions for CS5 release notes v1.2

Adobe® SiteCatalyst® and Test&Target™ extensions for Adobe Creative Suite® 5 Release Notes

For web professionals and marketers who need to implement web analytics and increase website conversion, Adobe has integrated the robust optimization and analytics capabilities of SiteCatalyst and Test&Target solutions directly into their creative workflows. This document provides an overview, system requirements, installation and updating instructions for the following following four extensions:

  • Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Adobe Flash Professional CS5 - Visually add tracking to Flash content, directly from the creative workflow, without manually tagging each piece of content. This will dramatically shorten analytics implementation times, allowing you to focus on the impact of your creative work.
  • Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Adobe Flash Builder 4 - Quickly and visually instrument tracking in your existing workflows. You can create and implement easy-to-use analytics libraries in your Flex applications.
  • Adobe Test&Target extension for Adobe Flash Professional CS5 - Easily create and manage Flash content variations for online marketing campaigns directly from your creative workflow, without duplicating effort or writing ActionScript code.
  • Adobe Test&Target extension for Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 - Visually create and manage HTML content for online marketing campaigns, without having to write HTML code.

The extensions are available as free downloads, and only work with the CS5 version of Adobe Flash Professional or Adobe Dreamweaver, and Flash Builder 4.0.1.

What's new

        Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Flash Professional CS5

        Adobe Test&Target extension for Flash Professional CS5

        Adobe Test&Target extension for Dreamweaver CS5

        Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Flash Builder 4

        All extensions

Minimum system requirements

Installing the extensions

Accessing the extensions

Updating the extensions

Uninstalling the extensions

Customer care

Other resources

What's new


Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Flash Professional CS5

  • An easier way to get started with tracking.

    Simple tracking will provide basic reporting about your Flash assets with minimum implementation effort. You can track how many times the Flash application or widget has been loaded, how many times particular frames have been viewed, or how many times a button was clicked.
  • An easier way to debug your implementation.

    For your convenience, you can now turn debugging on or off with just one click. By enabling debugging, you will be able to see the tracking calls which are sent to SiteCatalyst directly in the Ouput panel inside Flash Professional.

Adobe Test&Target extension for Flash Professional CS5

  • Ability to try different landing pages for each experience
  • You can define external links for particular elements in an experience (e.g. buttons, images) or for the entire experience (e.g. the link is added as an overlay on the asset, so that wherever the visitors click, they will be taken to the specified landing page). This enables you to test different landing pages by specifying a different URL for each experience.

  • Ability to vary text properties across experiences
  • Once you have included some classic text in your flashbox, you can change its properties for each of the experiences. To do this, select the text on the stage and the experience you want to edit from the Test&Target panel, and edit the properties from the Properties panel in Flash. You now have more flexibility by being able to change size, position or color for your text.

  • Quick link to help documentation
  • A Help icon has been added to the panel UI, which links directly the extension's user manual.

Adobe Test&Target extension for Dreamweaver CS5

  • Support for Drupal websites
  • The Test&Target panel will automatically detect if the site uses a Drupal-based CMS, and will indicate this in the mbox list heading. It will also detect all the Drupal mboxes present in your website, and list them in the panel. Each mbox is equivalent to a Drupal module. You can easily create new mboxes and offers, and style each offer using the CSS themes available for your Drupal website.

  • Support for WordPress websites
  • The Test&Target panel will detect that you are in a WordPress website, and indicate this in the mbox list heading. It will also detect all the WordPress mboxes present in your website, and list them in the panel. Each mbox is equivalent to a WordPress plugin. You can easily create new mboxes and offers, and style each offer using the CSS themes available for your WordPress website.

  • Quick link to help documentation
  • A Help icon has been added to the panel UI, which links directly the extension's user manual.

 Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Flash Builder 4

  • The Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Flash Builder 4 has been improved with several bug fixes and usability enhancements. 

All extensions

  • Updated branding

Minimum system requirements 

Prior to installing and using these extensions, you need to install Flash Professional CS5 and/or Dreamweaver CS5, as applicable, with Adobe Extension Manager. For additional CS5 installation help, go to

Note: For system requirements and installation instructions for the SiteCatalyst extension for Flash Builder 4, please visit this page.

  • The minimum system requirements from Adobe Flash Professional CS5 and/or Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 are applicable.
  • Broadband Internet connection required.
  • An Adobe SiteCatalyst or Test&Target login is required, as appropriate.

Compatibility & requirements for Adobe SiteCatalyst extension for Adobe Flash Professional CS5

  • The extension supports ActionScript 3 only.
  • The extension is available in the following languages: United States English, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish, Chinese Traditional, and Chinese Simplified.

Compatibility & requirements for Adobe Test&Target extension for Adobe Flash Professional CS5

  • The extension supports both ActionScript 2 and ActionScript 3.
  • The extension is available in English only.

Compatibility & requirements for Adobe Test&Target extension for Adobe Dreamweaver CS5

  • The extension is available in English only.

Installing the extensions 

The installation of the extensions is managed by Adobe Extension Manager CS5, which is bundled with Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 or any version of Creative Suite 5.

Please close Flash Professional or Dreamweaver, as appropriate, before following these steps:

  • Download the extension.
  • Double-click the extension. (zxp file)
  • Read and accept the License Agreement.
  • Known issues:
    • On some operating systems (Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7), you need to run Extension Manager with administrator privileges, in order to be able to install the extension.

Accessing the extensions

  • Open Dreamweaver or Flash Professional.
  • Open or create a new file.
  • Go to Window > Extensions, and select Adobe Test&Target or Adobe SiteCatalyst, as appropriate.
  • A panel opens, showing a login screen. You can dock or group this panel with other panels in the application.

Updating the extensions

Please close Flash Professional or Dreamweaver, as appropriate, before following these steps:

  • Open Adobe Extension Manager CS5.
  • Whenever Adobe releases a new version of the extension, an icon next to the extension's name will automatically indicate that an update is available.
  • Select the appropriate extension, then click the "Update" button. You will be asked to confirm the update.
  • Click "Yes" to download the new version.
  • Read and accept the License Agreement.
  • Known issues:
    • On some operating systems (Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7), you need to run Extension Manager with administrator privileges, in order to be able to install the extension.

Uninstalling the extensions

Removing the extensions is managed by Adobe Extension Manager CS5, which is bundled with Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 or any version of Creative Suite 5.

Please close Flash Professional or Dreamweaver, as appropriate, before following these steps:

  • Open Adobe Extension Manager CS5.
  • Select the appropriate product (Flash Professional or Dreamweaver), then the extension you want to remove.
  • Click the "Remove" button.
  • Extension Manager will prompt you to confirm the uninstall. Select "Yes" to uninstall the extension.
  • Known issues:
    • On some operating systems (Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows 7), you need to run Extension Manager with administrator privileges, in order to be able to install the extension.

Customer care

Customer Service

Adobe Customer Service provides assistance with product information, sales, registration, and other non-technical issues. To find out how to contact Adobe Customer Service, please visit for your region or country and click on Contact.

Support Plan Options and Technical Resources

If you require technical assistance for your product, including information on complimentary and fee-based support plans and troubleshooting resources, more information is available at  Outside of North America, go to, click on the drop down menu under the question "Need a different country or region?", choose a different country or region, then click GO.  Alternatively, you can click on Change beside the country name at the top of the screen to select a different country or region.

Free troubleshooting resources include Adobe's support knowledgebase, Adobe user-to-user forums, Adobe Support Advisor and more.  We are continually making additional tools and information available online in order to provide you with flexible options for resolving issues as fast as possible.

If you are having any issues with installing or uninstalling any of your Creative Suite 5 applications, please try rebooting your system prior to contacting Support.  For additional CS5 installation help, go to

Other resources

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Creative Suite, Dreamweaver, Flash, Test&Target, and SiteCatalyst are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.  Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.  Microsoft, Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

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