Last updated on
Apr 27, 2021
The following quick fixes (QFs) are available for Adobe LiveCycle ES2 SP1 ( Contact support for more information or to obtain a QF.
- (QF1.137 - Feb2013) This quick fix addresses an issue wherein assembling two PDF documents, generated using Distiller service and LiveCycle PDF Generator, the page numbers in the table of contents are not correct. (Ref #3304489)
- (QF1.38 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue with copy and paste and search for text inserted into a document using Watermark tag using Assembler. (Ref # 2677172)
- (QF1.58 - Sept 2010) - Addresses an issue where Assembler in LiveCycle ES2 ( produces a slightly different PDF content than Assembler in LiveCycle ES Update1 (8.2.1). The issue occurs when you use the same DDX. The DDX contains StyledText to display text on the underlying content. (Ref # 2694911)
Note: Only use this quick fix via Java API. For use in an orchestration, use the execute task to enable DDX compatibility. Request a sample Java API and LCA file from Adobe support. - (QF1.72 - Oct 2010) - Addresses an error that occurs when using Convert to PDF/A to convert a PDF that contains a signature with a long CRL. (Ref # 2657886)
- (QF1.106 - Mar 2011) - Addresses issues with barcode visibility and with embedding fonts, when converting PDF files to the PDF/A or PostScript formats. (Ref # 2714061, 2702011)
- (QF1.114 - May 2011) - Addresses an issue where extracting document text from a flattened PDF file throws a null pointer exception. (Ref # 2849886)
Content Services
- (QF1.71 - Oct 2010) - Addresses an issue where full text search on a dynamic PDF in Contentspace doesn't work if LiveCycle Output ES2 isn't installed. (Ref # 2734198)
- (QF1.28 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue that occurs when using the Form Data Integration service. When you use the exportData operation and then importData to import the same data exported, the PDF size increases more than expected. (Ref # 2660679)
- (QF1.109 - Mar 2011) - Addresses the issue of Form states not being preserved, affecting button visibility, when converting PDF files to the PDF/A format. (Ref # 2806266)
- (QF1.118 - Jun 2011) - Addresses an issue where the form state is not preserved when the form is converted from PDF to the PDF/A format. (Ref # 2890989, 2806266, 2805807, and 2879494)
PDF Generator
- (QF1.47 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue where conversion timeout occurs in about 600 seconds in a watched folder scenario. This timeout occurs even when all the server timeout settings have been increased to much higher values. (Ref # 2686855)
- (QF1.52 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue where output from converting HTML to PDF with a CSS file using LiveCycle ES2 with SP1 installed isn't as expected. (Ref # 2677594)
- (QF1.65 - Oct 2010) - Addresses an issue where the performance is low when converting a TIFF file from Acrobat 9.3.4 and LiveCycle PDF Generator 9. (Ref # 2730586)
- (QF1.57 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue of a few large PostScript files not converting to PDF files, when multiple files are converted via an automated process created in WorkBench.. (Ref # 2672797)
Rights Management
(QF1.05 - Jun 2010) - Addresses the following issues:
- XPath Injection: An attack technique used to exploit applications that construct XPath (XML Path language) queries from user-supplied input to query or navigate XML documents. (Ref # 2631987)
- SQL Injection: A code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. Vulnerability is present when user input is incorrectly filtered for string literal characters embedded in SQL statements. Or, the user input is not strongly typed and unexpectedly executed. (Ref # 2631992)
- Incorrectly filtered escape characters: Injecting ' or '1'='1. If a variable is crafted to include these characters, the SQL statement sometimes does more than the code author intended.
- Incorrect Type Handling: Happens when a user supplied field is not checked for type constraints.
- Cross-site Scripting: A type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications. It enables malicious attackers to inject client-side script into web-pages viewed by other users. (Ref # 2631871, 2631989)
- The non-persistent cross-site scripting vulnerability is by far the most common type. The vulnerabilities occur when the data provided to the web-client for use by server-side scripts to generate results for that user before sanitizing the response. This data is most commonly in http query parameters or in HTML form submissions.
- The persistent vulnerability occurs when the server saves the data provided by the attacker. This data is permanently displayed on "normal" pages returned to other users in the course of regular browsing, without proper HTML escaping.
- (QF1.51 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue where modifications to application assets that are checked cannot be made after applying LiveCycle ES2 SP1. In particular, changes to XDP and PDF assets. (Ref # 2689319)
- (QF1.61 - Sept 2010) - Addresses an issue with uploading many files (including fragments) to LiveCycle Workbench ES2. (Ref # 2718389)
- (QF1.112 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue where several fields go missing in the Properties view in Workbench when configuring email endpoint. (Ref # 2659251)
Process Management
- (QF 1.128 - Jul 2012) This quick fix addresses an issue where task assignment in LiveCycle Workspace does not work properly as the threads get stuck under certain scenarios. This leads to an overall system performance degradation amd requires a server restart. (Ref #3228800)
- (QF1.99 - Dec 2011) This quick fix addresses an issue where PDF forms not enabled for mobile devices are visible on mobile devices. (Ref #2807541)
- (QF1.29 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue that occurs when navigating to Services > LiveCycle Workspace ES2 > Search Template Definition in the Administration Console. Unexpected results display when changing the search template names in Identification tab. (Ref # 2651809)
- (QF1.35 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue that occurs when navigating to Services > LiveCycle Workspace ES2 > Search Template Definition in the Administration Console. Unexpected results display when changing the search template names in Identification tab. (Ref # 2651809) - this issue is the same as QF1.29.
- (QF1.75 - Nov 2010) - Addresses an issue where LiveCycle Workspace ES2 failed to retrieve a form from tracking. (Ref # 2746127)
- (QF 1.103 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue for SQL Queries built with POF Join object. The addFilter method when called with a Long Variable whose value is greater than 16777215 as the fourth argument, results in a rounding error and returs an incorrect value. The patch fixes this rounding error. (Ref # 2822908_2818484)
- (QF 1.104 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where Unique User Constraint violation is encountered when existing LiveCycle user accounts are left unused. (Ref # 2796568)
- (QF 1.111 - Apr 2010) - Addresses an issue where forms built from Flex are not getting submitted after installing Quick FIx 1.84. (Ref # 2833411)
- (QF 2.73 - May 2011) - This Quick Fix addresses the following issues:
- Server runs out of memory when it receives an AMF or AMFX message with a large array.
- Potential security risks when creating unrestricted classes during AMF or AMFX deserialization.
- StackOverflowError in the server during deserialization or serialization due to doubly linked lists that contain a large volume of objects.
- Potential DOS (denial of service) due to complex object graphs slowing down deserialization.
- Potential DOS (denial of service) when deserializing lengthy strings. (Ref #2848228, 2849036)
User Management
- (QF1.17 - Jun 2010) - Addresses an issue where configuring a proxy for OCSP requests during certificate authentication with LiveCycle ES2 does not work as expected. (Ref # 2626014)
- (QF1.41 - Aug 2010) - Addresses an issue where custom SPI is not called from the User Manager login request when passed along with the domain name. (Ref # 2681465)
- (QF1.117 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where a few users from LDAP domain cannot see the process start card in the Workspace. (Ref # 2832767)
- (QF1.130 - Jul 2012) - Addresses an issue where LiveCycle server fails to execute web service calls for processing work items picked up from an external database. (Ref # 3276507)
- (QF1.14 - Jun 2010) - Addresses an issue when trying to call a web service which accepts XML in Base 64 encoded format. This issue produces a SOAP_ENV:Client error while calling the web service using Webservice Component. (Ref # 2630454)
- (QF1.16 - Jun 2010) - Addresses an issue where the JDBCService query single row operation throws a nullpointerexception if there is a null value in a column in the database mapped to a process variable in the SQL Results Mapping Editor window. (Ref # 2646515)
- (QF1.24 - Sept 2010) - Addresses an issue when the next user deletes all attachments attached by a previous user, the "assign task" activity to next user stalls. (Ref # 2651863)
- (QF1.59 - Sept 2010) - Addresses issues with the class loader on WebLogic. The situation occurs when 400+ users using LiveCycle Workspace ES2 on a single-server LiveCycle setup. Each user accesses queues that can grow up to around 500 items. The system becomes unresponsive due to the number of threads waiting on locks. (Ref # 2713436)
- (QF1.86 - Jan 2011) - Addresses an issue where LiveCycle does not perform as expected when completing a process with a large number of forms (350). (Ref # 2772384)
- (QF1.95 - Jan 2011) - Addresses the following issues (Ref # 2716436):
- When using the Form Data Integration service, when using the exportData operation and then the importData operation to import the same data you exported, the resulting PDF increases to almost the same size of the saved data.
- When using ConvertPDFtoXDP to merge XML data with some PDF the resulting XDP size increases with the second merge.
- (QF1.103 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where SQL Queries built with POF Join object can result in a rounding error with variables of type Long. The addFilter method when called with a Long variable whose value is greater than 16777215 as the fourth argument, results in a rounding error and returns an incorrect value. (Ref # 2822908, 2818484)
- (QF1.105 - Mar 2011) - Addresses an issue where the action of sorting data in a form guide grid, selecting a row, and then deleting it could result in the deletion of a row other the one selected. (Ref # 2822790)
LiveCycle Core
- (QF1.131 - Aug 2012) - Addresses an issue where after installing LiveCycle quick fix 1.128, the tasks do not show in Workspace. (Ref # 3302406)
- (QF1.116 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where subscriptions created by user steps are not removed even after the step is completed. (Ref # 2879699)
- (QF1.107 - Apr 2011) - Addresses an issue where quartz scheduler was trying to access a wrong JVM property to determine the starting mode for quartz. This issue affects customers using TCP locators. (Ref # 2794057)
- (QF1.119 - June 2011) - Addresses an issue where valid signatures after being passed to LiveCycle become invalid. (Ref # 2807362)
- (QF1.121 - July 2011) - Addresses an issue where upon rendering a PDF form as HTML, a value from a drop-down list is returned, without the user selecting any value. (Ref # 2874436)
- (QF1.126 - Feb 2012) - Addresses an issue where the restriction applied using the max char attribute to a multi-line textArea field in an XDP form is not honored when the form is rendered as HTML. (Ref # 3006219)
- (QF1.123 - October 2011) - Addresses an issue about poor database performance (especially after upgrade from a previous version of LiveCycle). (Ref # 2998374)
- (QF1.125 - November 2011) - Provides a feature enhancement that enables you to run JavaScript methods when HTML callback events (for example, onload or onsubmit) occur in a LiveCycle HTML form. (Ref # 3054399)