Last updated on
Jun 11, 2024
This article contains a list of issues resolved in the December 2022 release and Summer 2020 release of Adobe FrameMaker Publishing Server and subsequent patch releases.
Check FrameMaker community for solutions, workarounds, or any late-breaking information.
Check FrameMaker Publishing Server User Guide for detailed explanation of features and "how-to" information.
December 2022 release
- Fixed security vulnerabilities related to the authentication mechanism. More details about the security fixes are available in Adobe Security Bulletin - APSB24-38.
- REST APIs are now case-sensitive, and URLs will also need to be case-sensitive. Check Work with FMPS using REST APIs for more details.
- Workers now require authentication at the time of launch. Check the Launch the client using the StartWorker.bat file section in Configure the client components to learn more about the configuration changes.
Update 3 is only supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2022.
Summer 2020 release
- Fixed security vulnerabilities related to the authentication mechanism. Fixed security vulnerabilities related to the authentication mechanism. More details about the security fixes are available in Adobe Security Bulletin - APSB24-38.
- REST APIs are now case-sensitive, and URLs will also need to be case-sensitive. Check Work with FMPS using REST APIs for more details.
- Workers now require authentication at the time of launch. Check the Launch the client using the StartWorker.bat file section in Configure the client components to learn more about the configuration changes.
Update 4 is only supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2022.