Choose Window > Type > Character Styles or Paragraph Styles.
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- دعم Microsoft Surface Dial في Illustrator
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- مشكلات ملفات DLL
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- مشكلات ملفات التفضيلات
- مشكلات الخطوط
- مشكلات الطابعة
- مشاركة تقرير الأعطال مع Adobe
- تحسين أداء Illustrator
Learn how to apply advanced formatting options and unlock the full potential of text formatting in Adobe Illustrator.
Welcome to the world of advanced text formatting in Adobe Illustrator.
Once you've perfected basic text formatting, you can use advanced text formatting techniques to add stunning effects to your text. From applying stylistic sets to using smart punctuation, you'll uncover many techniques to help perfect your text designs.
Read on to learn how to use these advanced formatting options to attain your aspired design outcome.
Apply stylistic sets
You can apply a stylistic set to a selected text block, replacing the default glyphs in the font with the alternate glyphs.
Select the OpenType Features tab.
Select Stylistic Sets
and choose a set from the list.
Add stylistic sets to a character style Add stylistic sets to a character style You can apply multiple stylistic sets to a range of text. To learn how to apply stylistic sets to a text selection, see Special characters.
Number formatting in OpenType fonts
You can choose different number styles, format fractions, and ordinals in OpenType fonts in Adobe Illustrator.
Number style
To change the style of existing numbers, select an OpenType font and the characters you want to modify.
In the OpenType panel, choose an option from the Figures pop‑up menu:
- Default Figure: Uses the default style for the current font.
- Tabular Lining: Uses full-height figures of the same widths.
- Proportional Lining: Uses full-height figures with varying widths.
- Proportional Oldstyle: Uses varying-height figures with varying widths.
- Tabular Oldstyle: Uses varying-height figures with fixed, equal widths.
Format fractions and ordinals
You can automatically format ordinal numbers with superscript characters when using an OpenType font.
To change the style formation fractions and ordinals, select an OpenType font and the characters you want to modify.
In the OpenType panel, select the Ordinals button to turn ordinals on and off or the Fractions button to turn on and off fractions.
Use Smart Punctuation
Smart Punctuation enhances the visual appeal of your text. It searches for keyboard punctuation characters and replaces them with ligatures and fractions.
Choose Type > Smart Punctuation after selecting the desired text objects or characters.
Select one or more of the following options:
- ff, fi, ffi Ligatures: Renders ff, fi, or ffi letter combinations as ligatures.
- ff, fl, ffl Ligatures: Renders ff, fl, or ffl letter combinations as ligatures.
- Smart Quotes: Changes straight keyboard quotation marks into curly quotes.
- Smart Spaces: Eliminates multiple spaces after a period.
- En, Em Dashes: Replaces a double keyboard dash with an en dash and a triple keyboard dash with an em dash.
- Ellipses: Replaces three keyboard periods with ellipsis points.
- Expert Fractions: Replaces distinct characters used to represent fractions with their single-character equivalents.
Convert type to outlines
Select the type object that you want to modify and navigate to Type > Create Outlines.
A. Original type object B. Type converted to outlines, ungrouped, and modified
Set anti-aliasing options for type
When you save artwork in a bitmap format, Illustrator rasterizes all objects at 72 pixels per inch and applies anti-aliasing to them.
Select the type object, and choose Object > Rasterize.
Choose an anti-aliasing option:
- None: Applies no anti-aliasing and maintains the hard edges of type when it's rasterized.
- Art Optimized (Supersampling): Default option that rasterizes all objects, including text objects, by the specified resolution and applies anti-aliasing to them.
- Type Optimized (Hinted): Applies anti-aliasing that is best suited to type. Anti-aliasing reduces the appearance of jagged edges in the rasterized image and gives type a smoother onscreen appearance.
Creating superscripts or subscripts
Superscript and subscript text (also called superior and inferior text) is the reduced-size text raised or lowered in relation to a font's baseline.
Regular fonts
Select the type that you want to change.
Choose Superscript or Subscript from the Character panel menu.
Superscript and Subscript options in the Character panel menu Superscript and Subscript options in the Character panel menu
OpenType fonts
To change characters to Superscript or Subscript, select the characters and ensure you’ve chosen an OpenType font.
In the OpenType panel, choose an option from the Position pop‑up menu:
- Default Position: Uses the default position for the current font.
- Superscript/Superior: Uses raised characters.
- Subscript/Inferior: Uses lowered characters.
- Numerator: Uses characters designed as fraction numerators.
- Denominator: Uses characters designed as fraction denominators.
Specify curly or straight quotes
Typographer’s quotes, often known as curly quotes, blend in with the curves of the font. They're traditionally used for quotation marks and apostrophes. Alternatively, straight quotes traditionally serve as abbreviations for feet and inches.
Choose File > Document Setup, and do one of the following:
To use typographer’s quotes, select Use Typographer’s Quotes, choose the language you want, and choose options for Double Quotes and Single Quotes.
- To use straight quotes, deselect Use Typographer’s Quotes.
Pro tips and tricks
- While using an OpenType font, select the OpenType panel instead of the Smart Punctuation dialog box to typeset ligatures and fractions.
- You can’t convert bitmap fonts or outline-protected fonts to outlines.
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