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Adobe Creative Cloud for mobile

  1. Uporabniški vodnik za Creative Cloud
  2. Uvod v Creative Cloud
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Creative Cloud
    2. Sistemske zahteve za Creative Cloud
    3. Sinhronizacija datotek v storitvi Creative Cloud | Znane težave
  3. Prenesite, namestite, nastavite in posodobite
    1. Prenos programa Creative Cloud
    2. Odprite programe Creative Cloud
    3. Odprite delovni prostor
    4. Posodobitev programov Creative Cloud
    5. Spreminjanje jezika programov Creative Cloud
    6. Odstranite namizni program Creative Cloud
    7. Odstranitev programov Creative Cloud
  4. Upravljanje računa
    1. Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
    2. Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
    3. Sprememba paketa Adobe
    4. Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
    5. Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
    6. Popravek neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
    7. Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
  5. Ustvarjalne storitve
    1. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock v programih Creative Cloud
    2. Uporaba pisav Adobe Fonts v programih Creative Cloud
    3. Creative Cloud Market ni več na voljo
  6. Storitve sodelovanja in shranjevanja
    1. Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
    2. Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
    3. Ustvarite ali pretvorite datoteke v dokumente v oblaku
    4. Nastavite dokumente v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
    5. Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
    6. Delite svoje delo z drugimi za komentiranje
    7. Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Sodelujte pri storitvah Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
    10. Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
    11. Sinhronizirajte datoteke s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
    12. Ugotovite, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
    13. Nastavite možnosti sinhronizacije
    14. Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
    15. Prenesite sinhronizirane datoteke in vsebino
  7. Projekti
    1. Pregled projektov
    2. Ustvarjanje projektov
    3. Skupna raba projektov
    4. Ustvarjanje novih map in knjižnic
    5. Premikanje map in knjižnic
  8. Organizirajte knjižnice
    1. Ustvarite skupine v knjižnicah
    2. Izbrišite skupine v knjižnicah
    3. Izbrišite elemente v knjižnicah
    4. Premaknite elemente v knjižnice
  9. Programi za mobilne naprave Creative Cloud
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Programi za mobilne naprave
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
  10. Podjetja in skupine
    1. Učenje in podpora za podjetja
    2. Učenje in podpora za skupine
    3. Vodnik hiter začetek za člane skupine
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    3. Razširitev brskalnika Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
    4. Usposabljanje in nastavitve uporabe generativne umetne inteligence za Content Credentials

Take Creative Cloud on the go to manage your files, quickly edit images, watch tutorials and live streams, and install fonts.


The Creative Cloud mobile app will be discontinued on January 31, 2025. You can visit from your mobile browser to complete many of the workflows previously supported by the Adobe Creative Cloud for mobile apps. 

The Creative Cloud mobile app consists of five sections: Home, Learn, Files, Fonts (iOS only), and Apps.

Get started with Home

The Home section is where you start whenever you launch the app. It’s your personalized dashboard for your Creative Cloud. You can access recently changed files, lightweight tools, and engaging content.

Learn about the various options available in the Home section.

home in creative cloud mobile

Access and share your work

Files is where you find all your content saved in the Creative Cloud. The app brings together all your cloud documents, Lightroom photos, and libraries in one place. You can search to find what you’re looking for by name and meaning (for example, searching for "cat" returns all images of cats). You can preview folders of images as a slideshow to show off your work while on the go. You can also rename, copy, delete, and manage the organization of your files. 

To share, you can download files, share a web link, post to Instagram, or send files in an email or text message. Find the perfect Adobe Stock asset for your next creative project and add it to a library. Or, invite friends and colleagues to collaborate.

Files in creative cloud mobile

  • Quick actions: These are easy-to-use tools that automate complex tasks and help you start creating. Many quick actions can be used on images from your device or those stored in the cloud. They include Remove background, Autotone, Straighten, and more.
    (Note: On iOS, you don’t need an Adobe account to try out quick actions like Remove background.)
  • Recent: It shows thumbnails of the cloud documents and libraries that you or someone sharing with you has recently edited. Tapping on a cloud document shows its preview in a one-up view, or you can use the action menu ⋮ (Android) or … (iOS) to copy, rename, share, and delete it.
  • Discover: It contains articles and live streams about the creative process, Adobe apps and services, and creative challenges happening at Adobe. Keep on top of the latest tips, tricks, and skills with this regularly updated section.

Discover new apps

Search and discover the best mobile apps from Adobe. Quickly launch apps you’ve already installed.

apps tab is selected in creative cloud mobile app

Browse and install fonts (iOS only)

Browse, install, and create with thousands of Adobe Fonts on your iOS device. Install fonts directly on your device for use in any app supporting third-party fonts. Let’s imagine you see a font on that coffee shop’s sign that you love. You can use your phone’s camera to snap a pic and identify a similar font to use in projects later.

fonts tab is selected in creative cloud mobile app

Grow your creative skills

Learn is your hub to be inspired, learn new tips and tricks, and grow your creative skills with hundreds of professionally produced tutorials designed to inspire. Content for mobile and desktop apps is organized by app name. Tune in to a live stream instruction by your favorite Behance creator, and watch recorded sessions from MAX, Adobe’s creativity conference.

learn tab in creative cloud mobile

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