Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the
icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.)- Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
- Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
- Sprememba paketa Adobe
- Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
- Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
- Odpravljanje težav zaradi neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
- Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
- Iskanje podpore za brezplačne in ukinjene izdelke
- Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
- Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
- Ustvarjanje dokumentov v oblaku ali pretvarjanje datotek vanje
- Nastavitev dokumentov v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
- Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
- Deljenje svojega dela z drugimi za komentiranje
- Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Sodelovanje v storitvi Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
- Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
- Sinhroniziranje datotek s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
- Ugotavljanje, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
- Nastavitev možnosti sinhronizacije
- Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
- Prenos sinhroniziranih datotek in vsebine
- Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Razširitev za brskalnik Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
- Nastavitev glede usposabljanja in uporabe za generativno umetno inteligenco s funkcijo Content Credentials
- Povezava računov za pripis zaslug za stvaritve
- Uporabniški vodnik za Creative Cloud
- Uvod v Creative Cloud
- Prenos, namestitev, nastavitev in posodobitev
Upravljanje računa
- Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
- Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
- Sprememba paketa Adobe
- Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
- Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
- Odpravljanje težav zaradi neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
- Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
- Iskanje podpore za brezplačne in ukinjene izdelke
- Ustvarjalne storitve
- Projekti
- Organiziranje knjižnic
- Programi Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
- Podjetja in skupine
Adobe Content Authenticity
- Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
- Razširitev za brskalnik Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
- Nastavitev glede usposabljanja in uporabe za generativno umetno inteligenco s funkcijo Content Credentials
- Povezava računov za pripis zaslug za stvaritve
Customize your sync settings to get the most out of the Creative Cloud syncing feature. To get started, sign in to your Creative Cloud desktop app.
Od 11. decembra 2023 novi uporabniki in organizacije ne bodo več upravičeni do sinhroniziranih datotek Creative Cloud. Od 1. februarja 2024 bodo sinhronizirane datoteke Creative Cloud ukinjene za osebne račune, ki so obstajali pred 11. decembrom 2023 (več o tem preberite tukaj). Od 1. oktobra 2024 bodo sinhronizirane datoteke Creative Cloud ukinjene za poslovne račune, povezane z organizacijami, ki so obstajale pred 11. decembrom 2023 (več o tem preberite tukaj).
Change location of the sync folder
You need to allow the syncing process to complete before changing the folder location.
Go to Cloud activity icon
in the upper right, and then select the gear icon
to open preferences.
Does your screen look different? See instructions for the earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Select the edit icon
to change the folder location.
Choose the location where you want to move the local version of the sync folder (called the Creative Cloud files folder).
Select Done to save your changes.
Once the location is changed, the folder and files are automatically moved to the new location.
Manage sync transfer speed
The Creative Cloud desktop app lets you manage the transfer speed of your files, both when they are uploaded online and when they are downloaded locally. You can adjust the transfer speed according to the available bandwidth.
Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the
icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.) -
Go to Cloud activity icon
in the upper right, and then select the gear icon
to open preferences.
Does your screen look different? See instructions for the earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Select an option from each drop-down list for Download transfer speed and Upload transfer speed.
Select Done to apply your changes.
Pause and resume file sync
If you have bandwidth issues, you can pause the automatic syncing of your files and resume at a better time.
Open the Creative Cloud desktop app. (Select the
icon in your Windows taskbar or the macOS menu bar.) -
Go to Cloud activity icon
in the upper right, and then select the gear icon
to open preferences
Does your screen look different? See instructions for the earlier version of the Creative Cloud desktop app.
To pause or resume the syncing of files, select Pause syncing or Resume syncing, respectively.
Opomba:If you're using macOS 13 Ventura, keep the Adobe Creative Cloud login item enabled. Turning this option off affects Adobe processes required to sync your files. Learn how to enable the Adobe Creative Cloud login item.