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Collaboration FAQ

  1. Uporabniški vodnik za Creative Cloud
  2. Uvod v Creative Cloud
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Creative Cloud
    2. Sistemske zahteve za Creative Cloud
    3. Sinhronizacija datotek v storitvi Creative Cloud | Znane težave
  3. Prenos, namestitev, nastavitev in posodobitev
    1. Prenos programov Creative Cloud
    2. Odpiranje programov Creative Cloud
    3. Odpiranje delovnega prostora
    4. Posodobitev programov Creative Cloud
    5. Spreminjanje jezika programov Creative Cloud
    6. Odstranitev namiznega programa Creative Cloud
    7. Odstranitev programov Creative Cloud
    8. Odpravljanje napak pri nameščanju programov Adobe
    9. Kako in kdaj uporabiti orodje CC Cleaner Tool
    10. Programi, ki so na voljo za prenos
  4. Upravljanje računa
    1. Prehod s preskusne različice storitve Creative Cloud na plačljivo članstvo
    2. Ponastavitev gesla za Adobe
    3. Sprememba paketa Adobe
    4. Posodobitev podatkov o kreditni kartici in naslova plačnika
    5. Ogled in prenos računov za Adobe ter njihovo pošiljanje prek e-pošte
    6. Odpravljanje težav zaradi neuspelega ali zamujenega plačila
    7. Preklic preskusne različice ali naročnine za Adobe
    8. Iskanje podpore za brezplačne in ukinjene izdelke
    9. Prijava v račun Adobe
    10. Prijava v račun podjetja ali šole
    11. Informacije o pogojih naročnine in pravilnikih o vračilih kupnine za Creative Cloud
  5. Ustvarjalne storitve
    1. Uporaba storitve Adobe Stock v programih Creative Cloud
    2. Uporaba pisav Adobe Fonts v programih Creative Cloud
    3. Nalaganje pisave v Creative Cloud
    4. Creative Cloud Market ni več na voljo
  6. Storitve sodelovanja in shranjevanja
    1. Kaj so dokumenti v oblaku
    2. Dokumenti v oblaku – pogosta vprašanja
    3. Ustvarjanje dokumentov v oblaku ali pretvarjanje datotek vanje
    4. Nastavitev dokumentov v oblaku za uporabo brez povezave
    5. Povrnitev na prejšnjo različico dokumenta v oblaku
    6. Deljenje svojega dela z drugimi za komentiranje
    7. Zakaj svojih dokumentov v oblaku ne morem videti brez povezave?
    8. Creative Cloud Libraries
    9. Sodelovanje v storitvi Creative Cloud Libraries in mapah
    10. Pogosta vprašanja o sodelovanju
    11. Sinhroniziranje datotek s prostorom za shranjevanje v oblaku
    12. Ugotavljanje, koliko prostora za shranjevanje v oblaku imate
    13. Nastavitev možnosti sinhronizacije
    14. Ukinitev sinhroniziranja datotek s storitvijo Creative Cloud
    15. Prenos sinhroniziranih datotek in vsebine
  7. Projekti
    1. Pregled projektov
    2. Ustvarjanje projektov
    3. Skupna raba projektov
    4. Ustvarjanje novih map in knjižnic
    5. Premikanje map in knjižnic
  8. Organiziranje knjižnic
    1. Ustvarjanje skupin v knjižnicah
    2. Brisanje skupin v knjižnicah
    3. Brisanje elementov v knjižnicah
    4. Premikanje elementov v knjižnicah
  9. Programi Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
    1. Pogosta vprašanja | Programi za mobilne naprave
    2. Adobe Creative Cloud za mobilne naprave
  10. Podjetja in skupine
    1. Učenje in podpora za podjetja
    2. Učenje in podpora za skupine
    3. Vodnik za hiter začetek za člane skupine
  11. Adobe Content Authenticity
    1. Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    2. Orodje za pregled za Adobe Content Authenticity (Beta)
    3. Razširitev za brskalnik Chrome Adobe Content Authenticity
    4. Nastavitev glede usposabljanja in uporabe za generativno umetno inteligenco s funkcijo Content Credentials
    5. Povezava računov za pripis zaslug za stvaritve

Find answers to common questions about collaboration using your Creative Cloud account.


Od 11. decembra 2023 novi uporabniki in organizacije ne bodo več upravičeni do sinhroniziranih datotek Creative Cloud. Od 1. februarja 2024 bodo sinhronizirane datoteke Creative Cloud ukinjene za osebne račune, ki so obstajali pred 11. decembrom 2023 (več o tem preberite tukaj). Od 1. oktobra 2024 bodo sinhronizirane datoteke Creative Cloud ukinjene za poslovne račune, povezane z organizacijami, ki so obstajale pred 11. decembrom 2023 (več o tem preberite tukaj).

Collaboration allows you to share groups of assets from your Creative Cloud account with other Creative Cloud users and allows them to work cooperatively with those shared assets.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can collaborate with other users and share files, folders, and libraries from your Creative Cloud account with them. Collaborators can view, edit, rename, move, or delete contents of the shared folder if they've been granted the necessary access rights and permissions.

You can also share view-only links to files, folders, and libraries with others. Anyone with the link can view the assets from a browser, even if they don't have a Creative Cloud subscription.

Shared with you listing is available in CCD and web for different mime types such as – ps ,ai, xd, design spec, prototype, PDFs and other shared files.

In some apps (such as Adobe FrescoIllustratorInDesignPhotoshopAdobe XD, and Adobe Dimension), you can share links to your work for commenting from within the app.

Go to and navigate to the desired tab. Select your file, folder, or library. Then select Share /Get link > Invite from the in-context menu to open the Invite to dialog. In the dialog box, open the drop-down list next to a collaborator's name. Then select Remove.

Note: If you shared a public or view-only link with your collaborator, learn how you can remove public links for Creative Cloud files and folders.

You can manage your collaboration from the Files section in Creative Cloud web. From the Files section, you can collaborate on:

  • Your files such as your cloud documents, mobile creations, and published assets
  • Your libraries (including both your personal and shared libraries)
  • Files shared with you

When you add new collaborators, they receive an invitation to access the shared asset. (Some sharing workflows require a collaborator to explicitly accept the invitation before they can collaborate.) Once removed from a shared asset, former collaborators no longer have access to it.

When you add assets to a collaboration, all designated collaborators have access to all assets in the collaboration.

Once removed from a collaboration, assets are moved to your Deleted folder and no longer be available to any collaborators.

When you add assets to a collaboration, all designated collaborators have access to all assets in the collaboration.

Once removed from a collaboration, assets are moved to the owner's Deleted folder, and are no longer available to any collaborators. Only owners can restore such assets. 

Locally, assets are deleted and moved to the Deleted folder.

A shared asset consumes space from the storage quota of the asset owner. Shared assets are not counted against the storage quota of collaborators.

If a collaborator renames the collaboration’s top-level folder, it only changes locally and doesn’t affect the name of the folder for other collaborators. However, if a subfolder within a collaboration is renamed, the change is reflected for all collaborators. 

If the owner renames the collaboration’s top-level folder, it does not affect the name of the folder for any of the existing collaborators. But, if any new collaborators are added after this point, they will see the folder with the new name.

Yes. There are three levels of collaboration permissions: owner, edit-level collaborator, and view-level collaborator. Only the owner can delete the collaboration folder or library. Edit-level collaborators can edit, rename, move, and delete contents of the folder or library. View-level collaborators can view and use the contents of the folder/library, and comment on them.

Collaborators with edit-level permissions can extend the invitation to anyone who was not originally invited to the collaboration. Collaborators with view-level permissions cannot do so.

Only collaborators with edit-level permissions can remove other collaborators from the collaboration (except for the Owner). Collaborators with view-level permissions cannot do so.

Any file that can be uploaded to your Creative Cloud account can be included in a collaboration.

Yes, all collaborators must be either free or paid Creative Cloud members.

If an invitation is sent to an email address that is already mapped to an Adobe ID, then only that Adobe ID can accept it.

However, if an invitation is sent to an email address that is not yet an Adobe ID, the account the user signs in while accepting the invitation is used instead. It can be a new account or an existing Adobe ID.

If you are shared a public link, anyone with the link can view the assets from a browser, even if they don't have a Creative Cloud subscription. These collaborators can comment or download copies.

Go to and select the file, folder, or library. Then go to Share or Get link > Invite to open the Invite to dialog box. The list of collaborators is displayed. You can add or remove collaborators anytime.

Simply remove all collaborators and close the Collaborators dialog to end a collaboration. Only an owner can end a collaboration and retain access to the assets. Collaborators lose access to the assets when they are removed (or when they remove themselves).

While adding collaborators to a library or a folder, you can choose whether you want to give them edit-level permissions or view-level permissions.

Collaborators with edit-level permissions can edit, rename, move, and delete the contents of the folder or library.

Collaborators with view-level permissions can only view the contents of the library or folder and comment on them.

Yes. A Creative Cloud account or Adobe ID (a free account is OK), is required. The collaborator must sign in to their Creative Cloud account, and accept the invitation to each collaboration to which they are invited.


No. Collaboration is an enhancement to Creative Cloud and is available to all users at no additional cost.

There is no limit on the number of assets you can share with others. An asset can have up to 1,000 collaborators. A user can have up to 100 incoming collaborations.

With a free Adobe ID, you can invite up to 15 collaborators per request, but you can only have up to 10 pending requests open at a time.

When you attempt to share an asset with an administrator, you will see the message Administrators already have access. You can still copy the asset link and share it with the administrator. When the administrator accesses the link, it shows an option to open the asset in the appropriate Adobe application. 


The asset will not appear for the admin account under the Share with you section.

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